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"you are going to tell him that you no longer love him, that he's a monster and to stay away from you" my father spat, my lips quivered as tears streamed down my face developing drops under my chin, my chest hurt and i felt like the oxygen around me had been cut off. fear and pain ran through my veins as i looked down at my hands, they were shaking. "now GO!" his voiced echoed through the house. my mother stood holding onto the wall frame, her eyes threatning tears as well, i ran out the house quickly and jumped into my car, finally i let out the sobs. 

I gripped the steering wheel until my nuckles were white, I felt the bitter taste on my lips from my tears, my breathing radical and uncontrolled. i drove to the woods as fast as i could, the trees around me  blurred as i hit the acceleration petal, how was i going to be capable of hurting him like this, how was i gonna be capable of ripping his heart out.

my car kept to an abrupt stop, i turned off the engine and climbed out the seat, slamming the door shut. he stood there a bright smile quikcly appearing "you came" his eyes light up and my heart sunk to my stomach. how was i gonna be able to rip his happiness like this, like it didnt mattter. it hurt, it hurt to do this to someone i loved so much. 

"issac...we need to talk" his smile fell once he saw the tears on my cheeks, he gave me a concerned glance and walked closer " whats going on?" he said softly, i felt like throwing up. 

 "I cant be with you" i paused "i dont want to be with you" my voice trembled as his eyes looked down to the ground. "you are a monster" i whispered, i reached for his hands and laid the letter there. "dont look for me, dont call, i dont want you around me" I looked down "you mkae me sick" i turned around quickly and began walking to my car.

"you never loved me, did you?" those words cut into me, the feeling was unbearable, like someone crushing my chest. i loved him with my whole heart, it had been 2 years since freshman year, i had met every aspect of him, i had known his story and loved him above everything. all i wanted to do was rush to him and hold him, tell him i didnt mean it but it was for his own good so i continued to walk away. 

the drive home was a daze, i parked my car and ran into my house, rushing to my room and slamming the door shut. i screamed into my pillow in pure agony. nothng could had ever prepared me for a pain like this, the knot in my throat, the terrifying feeling in my chest. it was like dying and being alive all at the same time.

there was a soft knock on the door, i looked up to my door "honey....can we speak?" i recognized my moms voice, i wiped the tears from my cheeks quickly. i sat up and stepped towards the door "please go" i sniffed "i dont want to see you guys". i felt her lean closer to the door "oh honey" she whispered "leave!" i screamed. i loved my mother so much but because of the manner of her and my fathers relationship she would do anything he asked. we had a good family, we were happy but i never realized at how much control my father really had at what we considered happiness. 

                                                                                          isaac p.o.v

turning into a wolf didnt even compare to the pain that i was feeling, th beatings of my father couldnt even equal. my eyest turned bright yellow as i felt myself turning. those were not her words i could tell, they were practiced, how could she do this to me. she knew me, saw right through me, she was everything to me. i ran as fast as i could, tears streaming down my face quickly, i thought that becomign a werewolf would mean i would no longer be weak, that i would no longer have feeligns like these but i was so wrong. 

her words replayed in my mind like a scratched tape, 'you are a monster'. i collapsed to the floor, my claws running through the dirt on the ground. i couldnt focus. it felt like the world was swallowing me whole. i heard footsteps behind me, i quickly stood up and growled.

"calm down, its me" my chest heaved up and down, derek looked down at my clothes and at my claws "whats going on" he stepped closer. "i feel pain" he paused "i feel incredible pain" he continued. i looked away and began walking "just leave". he followed after me "not before you tell me whats happening" he continued. 

i turned sharply to look at him, my hands clenched into a fist "i just lost the most important person in  my entire life" i yelped "because of this...because of what i turned into" he looked down at the ground "because of the monster i have became".

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