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Amber p.o.v

She sat in front of me in tears, the tea mug in her hand untouched, she sniffed as she leaned forward and covered my hand with her own. "God amber if i had known" i shook my head "there was nothing you could've done for me" and she knew that. The control my father had on her was stronger then any kind of love she could have for me. I used to be scared of him too. "I've missed you so much" she confessed, i gave her a small smile "i missed you too" i paused "so much i wanted to tell you".

"Do you want me to tell him you are back?" she asked innocently, i looked out the window at the empty garage, where his car would usually be parked. "No" i looked back at my mother, her eyes glassy from the tears "he would be the first to tell joe where i am" i grabbed her hands into mine, digging my thumb on her palm softly "promise me that you will not tell dad, i know he hates me mom and whatever reason he has for hating me, it thrives on hurting me" she nodded her head, letting me know she understood "i have to go now before he comes back" i embraced her, her scent bringing back so many good memories "i promise i will be back to save you".

I walked towards the door, looking around at all the memories i had here, my first everythings in this home, now there were not even pictures of me around. I walked onto the front porch and into my parked SUV, i started the car and drove into the city. I wish life had been different, maybe my mother and i would have been happier, maybe we wouldn't have lost so much of ourselves for the expense of someone else's happiness.

I drove past all my favorite places before I reached the city. The 7/11 where me and lydia got drunk for the very first time, the bakery where me and scott would meet up after school to talk about life,the book store where me and stiles used to read comic books together, and the woods, my special place, my special place with isaac.

Once in the city i drove to the hotel were i had made my reservation, i made sure no one knew where i was staying for safety reason, although i was completely sure that i was safe here, my father had friends of his own. I gave my car to the valet and walked inside, the size of the actual hotel overwhelming me.

A young woman stood behind the counter in the lobby where she followed me with a smile as i reached the counter "welcome to beacon hotel, how may i assist you today?" i gave her a small smile "my name is rosa may, i have a reservation here". Staying safe required more then just staying remote from the actual town but also hiding my identity. The woman typed away in the computer and then slid an access card across the counter "here you go ms.may, if there is anything else we can do for you, we offer 24/7 assistance, you can just call the lobby, enjoy your stay".

I collected my keys and walked over to the elevator, once the doors opened i stepped inside and took a deep breath, this was going to be so hard, being so close to isaac but not being able to see him, to talk to him, i wonder if he had been able to move on or at least tried like i did.

The elevator doors open and i step inside the hallway with the many doors, i look for my room and i slip inside quietly, my baggage already inside. I slip my heels off and lay on the bed, a soft moan leaving my lips, i havent been able to sleep in months, the exhaustion has finally settled in, maybe because now i was safer, my life was no longer in danger, that was all i needed to drift away.

Isaac P.O.V

I threw the coffee cup in the trash, the cafe bussing with college students, all sleep deprived just like me. College was draining my spirit, each day i questioned the motive behind this and why i willingly put myself in this hell. The due dates were catching up and I could barely type a word on those essays.

"Sleep is beating your ass, I see" Stiles greeted, grabbing one of the chairs nearby and sliding it next to me. I chuckled as i noticed with dark circles and the slight twitch of his leg "don't lie to yourself, the smell of your energy arrived before you did" i joked, making him laugh loudly gaining a few stares from the other students in the cafe.

"You would be sleep deprived too if you were a college student by day, a human fighting werewolf by night" i smirked and leaned forward "how's that going for you?" I asked as i licked my teeth showing him my fangs. "No way am i becoming a werewolf" he pushed his chair away slightly "im just saying stiles" i hummed, picking up my books "one bite and you'd be fighting crime like a god" he rolled his eyes "i do a pretty good job" he reciprocated.

"See you later dude" i laughed walking out the small cafe and onto the sidewalk where students were going and coming from classes. I jogged over to my first class seeing as i was already a bit late and it was across campus, the teacher would give me a few words after class later. I slipped inside just when she was detailing the class of new forms of using calculus in the real world but i wouldn't believe that if god came and told me himself.

"What did i miss" i asked monica, one of my friends in school, she had bright red hair and green eyes, she was in the drama club and also the WWS, the werewolf society. Many of them had traveled here after hearing of an alfa who took in many kinds of supernatural, that being scott, he had a lot on his plate lately. "Not much" she answered, giving me a sly smirk. Before i could open my book and get on the right page, i picked up on a conversation from across the room.

"Do you think he knows?" someone whispered, their voice anxious.

"He has to know" the other person replied, i could feel their eyes on me like hawks "he has to know that amber is back, she was like the love of his entire life".

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