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amber p.o.v

i chewed down on my donut, licking on the frosting that had settled on my lips. i looked down at the book i was reading, this is how i spent most of my nights, my shifted to the balcony. isaac used to sneak in most nights and we would enjoy each others company, in whispers praying my parents didnt catch us. i closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath, i dont know how much longer i would be able to take this. 

i reflected over our moments, how gentle and loving he was, how much i needed him right now next to me.

my phone buzzed next to me, I snapped out of my daze, i reached over, lydias name on my screen, she rarely called so it might be something serious. "hello?" my voice muffled by the donut in my mouth "hey, im going to the new club that opened and wanted to know if you wanna join!" her voice as high as possible "I dont think so....ill just hang out by my house for tonight" I shrugged off all the possibilities of me going. "okay ill pick you up in an hour byeee" "b-ut" "byeeeee" the other line went dead "hello?!" I tossed my phone on my bed, sighing in frustuation, I hated when lydia did stuff like this.

i walked out my closet, i wore some jeans and a tight fitting belly shirt , i usually didnt wear things like these but i was single now so why not, my phone vibrated with a text from lydia. 

"we are here!"

I grabbed a grey cardigan and headed down the stairs "going somewere?" I heard my mom appear from the kitchen "yeah, club, with lydia bye!" I slammed the door before she can even reply and walked to jackson's fancy car. I got in and smiled at both of them "hello babygirl!" she chirped, jackson rolled his eyes and waved at me through the rear view mirror. he  drove off as I looked out the window and lydia checked her on a small mirror in her hand, i watched as we left the small town behind and started going into the city. 

after about 20 minutes, jackson pulled into what seemed like a abandoned warehouse. me and lydia walked out, looking over at familiar faces from school who rushed into the warehouse. we walked in the same direction were the booming music came from, a security guard stood infront of the door as lydia passed him 3 tickets, he opened the door and let us in, the music exploded in my ear "we are going to go dance!" I heard lydia's voice over the music while she dragged jackson away.

i walked over to the bar and asked for a shot, the bar tender smirked and poured it quickly in the small glass "tough night?" he asked sliding the glass over to me. i sighed "its been a rough week" i clarified, he gave me a understanding smile and continued to the rest of the awaiting teens. i looked around to the dance floor. bodies grinding up against each other, all following the beat with their bodies. 

the lights flashed on my lights leaving my vision blurry, i walked forward rubbing my eyes and bumping into bodies, soon enough i was in the middle of the dance floor. i opened my eyes and looked around, my heart fell. isaac and erica danced only a few feet away, his hands on her hips, her head falling back to his chest. i wanted to run and snatch her away. tears threatened to escape my eyes but i kept my composure. its only been a few days, how could he have done this to me.

there was a loud scream and the music got cut off, everyone began running as a girl laid on the floor bleeding, eyes wide open looking at the ceiling. someone slammed into me dropping me to the floor, i looked around as everyone ran out the building. "someone call an ambulance" i shouted but everyone kept running. someone grabbed my hand and lifted me up from the floor, it was dark and i couldnt see my steps but they led me out of the building. 


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