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I counted the beeps in my head, every second the machine would beep, i had concluded that it was my heart monitor, the sharp pain in my head kept me from opening my eyes although i could feel someone standing over me, waiting for just that. Reluctantly i blinked them open, being met with a bright light forcing them to close once more. "Good" the soothing voice of a woman spoke, her tone was soft and quiet, almost as if she was only talking to me. "Patient is responsive after 3 weeks in a medically induced coma" she noted before flickering her flash light off. I opened my eyes once more, the light no longer causing discomfort in my eyes. 3 weeks... in a coma?. I became more aware as the seconds passed, all the iv's on my arms, the oxygen mask over my nose, the feeding tube down my throat, i began coughing loudly.

"Thats alright, dont panic amber, we will have this removed as soon as possible" she spoke once more "my name is Dr.vera and ive been your doctor since you came in, you came in with alot of trauma to your body forcing us to induce you into what we like to call a medical coma, to help your body with the healing process". I could feel the warm tears spill down my cheeks and onto the pillow under me, i felt terrible, guilty, so dead but so alive. "If all goes well, we will have you up and about in a couple of months, we are here to help" she laid her warm hands on my arm and smiled, i closed my eyes once more, wishing to go back to sleep.

The cold woke me from my slumber, the oxygen mask over my face was gone and was replaced by a nasal cannula and the feeding tube was gone as well. The iv's still remained, i felt like a lab rat. The door opened quietly, my immediate reaction would have been to shift but not a muscle of my body would react, i was a slave to this bed. Stiles stepped inside and the guilt i had felt earlier soon crawled inside my gut once more "hey amber" he looked terrible, dark bags and pale skin, i know he hadn't slept in days. He grabbed one of the visitors chairs and pushed it close to my bed, i blinked looking into his eyes "im so happy you are awake, i knew you would come around, i mean i prayed everyday for it" he smiled.

I wanted the earth to open and swallow me whole, how could i be so selfish, how could i have driven myself to believe that these people didn't love me. "I need you to keep fighting for me amber, the doctor said there is a long road to recovery for you but she doesn't know you like we do, you will probably be up and walking by tomorrow" he chuckled, i wanted to smile at him, show him i knew what he was saying but i was frozen, stuck in time. "Scott came in last night and took some of your pain away" tears slipped down his cheeks "god you are in so much pain amber" i wanted to bawl my eyes out, to know you arent okay is one thing but having everyone else know it, is worse. "We all love you so much amber, please keep fighting"

He leaned over and laid a kiss on my forehead "i'll leave you to rest". He slipped out the room, leaving me once more alone, in the dark cold room, i looked around at all the flowers and teddy bears and balloons that decorated it, the room was so full and yet i was so empty, just an empty shell with no soul, no will power, stuck between life and death, neither of them wanting me.

My eyes fluttered open as the hospital door opened and closed once more. Isaac stood there, he looked worse then stiles. I could smell the bourbon from where i laid and i knew he had too much to drink by the way he swayed from where he stood. He smiled and stepped closer to the bed "you look so beautiful" he whispered, his hand softly gliding down my cheek, tears streamed down my cheeks, i looked away, the guilt unbearable.

"I need you to be okay" he whimpered as his own tears spilled out. "I haven't slept at all, i've been here everyday, i feel so guilty for not being there for you, for not seeing how much you were suffering, more when you are everything to me". I wanted to lounge forward and hug him tight, apologize for the burden i had become in his life and tell him how much he meant to me, but i couldn't move, i couldn't do anything.

He held onto my arm, his sad eyes looking into mine, i felt some of the pain in my head ease, i looked down at where he held me, black veins shooting up his arms, he was taking my pain away. He clenched his jaw as the pain soared through his body, groans leaving his lips. I wanted to push him away, even if it was relieving my pain, it was hurting him and that was more painful then anything that was physically wrong to me.

I felt my fingers twitch as he continued, i wanted to shove him off of me, he needed to stop, i could recover on my own. He held onto my other arm and gripped as more veins popped on his arms, he yelped, i watched as he tried to take all my pain.

Isaac p.o.v

The pain soaring through my veins was unbearable even for me, it was unimaginable how she was able to contain so much and still be alive. I held on, I held on until I could no longer feel her pain, I needed to help her, I couldn't see her like this. The feeling was overwhelming.

"Come on amber please" the machines began beeping as I continued to hold onto her, she gasped, her eyes shooting open, she tried to speak from mere whispers. "Shhh it's okay amber, it's okay '' I groaned, even if it cost my life I was going to help her. "I just need you to get better amber, I just need for you to be okay" she groaned as well.

"St-top" she moaned out loudly, i looked down at her wide eyes looking up at me "i'm going to get you back amber no matter what" i assured her, my hands moving from her arms to her cheeks. "I love you" I whimpered, I placed my lips over hers as I felt her lips weakly kiss back.

Stiles p.o.v

I stood by the door, arms crossed against my chest as I stared at the wall. Amber had gone through so much these past few days it was so unfair, she was always there for us, always up for the fight and now she was weak laying in that hospital bed, helpless. At Least i knew that isaac was there helping her, helping her with the pain. I sighed looking down at missed calls from lydia, she must have been so worried. I typed her a quick message updating her on amber's well being but before i could press send, i heard yelling from the lobby, i shifted as the voices continued, it sounded like a nurse and a distraught patient or maybe a family member.

I walked towards the nurse station, seeing a man standing over the small fragile nurse, i furrowed my eyebrows, not liking the approach he was taking towards her. "Hey ana, is this guy bothering you" i asked, gathering the attention of both of them. She shifted as she looked back at him "no uhm he just wants to go see his wife" she explained, i stepped closer, making him stand up straight and look at me with anger. "And who is your wife?" I was intrigued. This was the intensive care unit any family member would know they weren't able to come here nonetheless see the patients. Scotts mom was able to get us in on a whim but even so, being here was risky.

"Amber, his wife is amber".

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