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isaac p.o.v

i looked over my shoulder at amber, she kept scratching her cast causing me to smile slightly. i had been watching over her through out the day making sure she was safe, always from a distance as to not catch her attention. i looked back at the board. i looked down at my notebook and sighed, i wish i was there in the hospital holding her instead of having to watch her from a far.

"right, mr. lahey?" the teacher called after me, i looked up quickly and fixed my composure. "i-im sorry" he smirked and placed his hand on my desk. "let me remind you that there is an upcoming test and if you were to fail mr. lahey, you would fail the class" the class synched in ouuu's and giggles. i smirked and looked back at amber who had a worried expression on her face.

"im sorry sir" i paused "i was just distracted by amber sending me small notes" I smirked, the teachers head shot up and looked over at amber, i looked forward not wanting to see her expression. "is that true ms. amber?" 

amber p.o.v

"what ? no!" i exclaimed, really after the week ive had he wanted to get me in trouble? couldnt he just face the fact that we couldnt be together. "detention" the teacher spoke "for both of you" he slipped a pink slip infront of me, i sighed loudly and slipped it into my bookbag. i glared over at him and even if he hadnt turned around i could tell he felt it.  

school ended quickly, i was dreading having to go to detention with isaac, i missed him but now he was just acting like an ass, and thats only getting me irritated. i closed my locker, allison stood by looking at the people walking by "you want to come over?" I sighed loudly "i cant, isaac got u detention" allison raised her eyebrows "detention?" she asked amused. i nodded starting to walk towards the library.

i opened the door and the smell of old books and paper engulfed my nostrils, it was a soothing smell. i looked over at the teacher who stood by the desk that belonged to the libriarian, isaac was already there sitting on one of the desks used to study, i just wanted to pounce on him and choke him but i kept my composure as i limped my way past, stupid cast. 

"your duty and punishment for this evening is to put all these books back to where they belong" he pointed at a desk full of books, i rolled my eyes and looked away. great, a broken foot and then i have to stand on it while putting these books away. "and as for me" he grabbed his brief case and suit jacket "ill be home enjoying a splendid dinner" he hummed "lock up when your done and leave the keys in the main office". he walked towards the door and slipped away. 

the audacity of leaving us here together, i held onto the desk and stood up, i manuvered my way to the desk full of books, i didnt even want to speak to isaac, i was so irritated. i looked over the books trying to seperate them by genre.  

"yeah" his voice rang within the library bringing chills to my spine, i dont know why i was so on edge "im gonna be here for a while" he spoke on the phone. i huffed, i pilled up some books and started to look over the shelves, this was gonna be a process. 

he kept speaking on the phone loudly as if to catch my attention but i just continued on with my task, in hopes that maybe if i finished soon i could leave. 


he ended his call, i sat down trying to rest my leg, i look down at the time on my phone screen, one hour had passed and i still hadnt made a dent on these books considering my partner wasnt really helping at all.

"hey" he spoke, my heart rate began picking up and i know he could feel it but he couldnt know, he couldnt know he had this affect on me so i thought of something soothing and calming, i looked up at him and smiled "hey" the look of disappointment making me feel alittle more safe, as long as i pretended i didnt care, we would be okay. 

we stacked books in silence, all the while I tried to stay calm which surprised me because i usually didnt have this much self control when it came to isaac. I finished and dusted my hand "well-" before I could finish, isaac brought his hands to my cheeks and kissed me, my heart raced out of control, I couldnt stop myself, I wanted him, I kissed him back with just as much passion, he went down to my neck, I moaned as my hands traveled to his curls, he went lower to my chest, I felt our bodies getting heated and thats when I realized we had to stop, it was getting out of control, this wasnt safe. 

i pushed him off quickly "no" i shouted, the look on his face broke my heart, i looked down and walked away, i grabbed my belongins quickly and left as quickly as i could. i rushed down the hallway and out the doors, i couldnt believe i had let it go that far, it wasnt okay, we could both get hurt.

i got inside my car and sighed, i touched my lips and closed my eyes, the tears beginning to roll down my cheeks, i missed him so much. 

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