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During the past weeks few weeks Demi and i have been super busy getting ready to welcome a little girl into our family.. Demi was more nervous than i was..

Over time she got into the whole adoption thing.. It was like picking out a child.. Parents who usually give birth to there kids dont really chose what there children look like..

But Demi and i can chose from eye color to shoe size.. Even if we dont really care.

We had called almost everyone we knew, including Demi's parents.. Who weren't so fond if us raising a child togetger.. They didn't even show up at our wedding.. They hade me.. And i have no idea why..

"What are you doing babe?" I asked walking into her office.. She sighed.. "Im wrapping up a few parers..." She mumbled..

"And... Now were done!" She smiled at the stack of papers like it was her PCA..

I kissed her temple.. "Great.. Wanna see her room?" I asked leading Demi away from her stack of papers..

I covered my hands over her eyes and lead her up the stairs.. "Okay.. 1 2 3.."

When let go, i watched as Demi grinned and hugged my side.. "Babe, its amazing!" She smilled taking a closer look at the huge decorated room..

"I had help from Marissa yesterday.." I said chuckling..

Demi nodded and laughed.. "Ok, now im not suprised.. I wondered how you knew so much about girls.."

I rolled my eyes and teased.. "I do.. I just dont know a lot about little ones..

Demi chukled and i wrapped my arms around her as she sighed looking at the room.. "I cant believe there gonna be a kid in this room tommorow.." She mumbled..

"Me either.."


Stay strongAnd pray

There we tec problems with thix chapter sry..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now