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This could be triggering for some people..

Kayla has grown close with both Wilmer and i.. Tight now it feels like i know everything about her..

The way her nose scrunches up when she's annoyed or laughing.. The she stares off into the distance farwarning a flashback or meltdown.. The way she closes her eyes when she smiles to hard.. The face she makes when she's confushed, anxios or scared..

It just feels like i gave birth to her, and sometimes i like to think i did..

She's gotten so close to Marissa and even calls her Mar.. I intoduced them last week, when Marissa decided to swing by and make cupcakes with us..

She got a little used to the paps but still hates them like i do, Max and other security, shes kinda okay with.. She loves my management team, and pretty much everyone i tell her to trust..

But she's a little unsure when fans say hi to her.. There was this one time when a fan called her name.. I still remember her chering..

"Mommy i dont know her.. How does she know my name??"

I srug as we walk into the studio.. "I dont know baby.. Your on the news a lot.."

Kayla giggles.. "Yayy! That means im famous!! Like you mommy!! And daddy too!!"

I couldn't ask for any more than that...

Today, was Wilmer's last day with us till we got back from Texas.. So i decided i would make it count..

"Morning baby.." I smile watching Kayla sturr and wake up..

She sat up and stretched with a smile on her beautiful face..
She didn't seem bothered by any dreams or flashbacks..
She seemed happy..

"Morning moma.." She smiled, very happy to see me..

I let her take a bath herself and make a special breakfast.. I decided on heartshaped blueberry pankakes for Kayla.. Waffles and eggs for Wilmer, since he wasn't working out, and Egg, spinitch, potato salad for me..

Im still very cancious about food.. Wilmer helps me a lot with that.. But its still there..

After a few munites Wil and Kayla come down to eat, and we talk..

"So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask..

Wilmer sighs. "I still have packing to do.. And tons of meetings to prep for filming.. Then i have to actually work out.. Because ive been getting lazy.." Wilmer explaims.

My smile drops.. "So you mean we cant spend time with you on your last day?" I say weakly.

Wilmer looks at me apotojetically and sighs.. "Babe im so sorry..." He says touching my hand..

I nodd biting my lip.. "I guess i need to get packing done too."

"Dont think i wont call you though.." Wilmer smiles, making me feel a bit better.. But i was still pretty bummed..

After breakfast, Wilmer had to leave and Kayla and i were left to pack together..

"Im gonna miss daddy.." Kayla pouts resting her elbows on the bed as i sort through cloths.. Music softly plays in the background..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now