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I woke up with a giant smile on my face..

Today i would be talking to my fans face to face for the first time in a while.. I haven't been on twitter because i have Kayla to look after now.. Thats been bugging a few of my fans, but the Lovatics don't really mind..

The long trip home from Texas was calm, and Kayla mostly slept and i just did conference call up on call.. We were both exhausted and pretty bummed to be home..

I mean, i know i was.. I should have booked a few more weeks with my family, but i didn't, because i didn't think i'd get along with them so well..

"Moma!! Im ready!" Kayla chirps bouncing out of her room and into mine.. She was dresses in a light pink rhomper, her hair in messy pigtails and her shoes on the wrong feet..

I cuckle and bend down to fix her mistakes.. "Im glad you did it yourself, but.. Let me help later, yea?"

Kayla giggle's and nodds.. Once im done with her i take a shower and change into an all black atire, because thats apparently more busnissy..

Wilmer called me this morning and we call more than we should, but somehow i feel like im not seeing him enough..

After a quick breakfast, max picked up Kayla and i, and i always add Marissa and my other friend Kelsey to all my events.. We talked, making fun of max, and sing songs on the radio..

Once we get to the benifit there are tons of people there already, and Kayla's pretty freaked out..

Marissa and Kayla stood backstage while i talked about the benifit for a while and also popped a few questions from the audience..

My lovatics were so adorable and i loved how sweet they were.. Honestly i wish i could hug everyone, but because of my anxiety it wouldn't really happen..

I found myself feeling genuenly happy.

"So, i heard your boyfriend Wilmer was filming today.." Perez smiles at the crowd then me..

I press my lips together holding a wince.. Wilmer and i are a really touchy subject, and it kills me anytime people ask how much i miss him.. "What would you say to him if he were here?"

"Whell uh.. I woul telala him that i-" i faced the crowd with teary eyes and a pink face.. "miss him so much and i-" i was cut off with millions of screams and the girls in the front row pointed behind me..




A grin spread across my face and my eyes watered as he made the fans sing happy birthday to me..

Perez laughs as if my face ahowes that i clearly forgot..

Wilmer hands the cake to Perez and pulls me into his arms.. I couldn't help but kiss him and the crowd went wild..

I covered my hands with my mouth feeling tears in my eyes.. I missed him so much..

Wilmer hugs me again and this time he kisses me.. The crowd went nuts and a few girls in the back started chanting "Dilmer! Dilmer!!"

Wilmer could tell i was already feeling overwhelmed and grabbed my hand.. I smile looking into his caramel eyes and sighed..

"Ok, whell i dont now what to say.. So i think im gonna go back stage now.." I mumble before walking after Wilmer who had left before me..

There were a million people letting out aws and a few people congratulating ne on my birthday..

I say a quick thank you to all of them and get into the dressing room the building assigned me.. It wasn't great but wasn't bad either..

As soon as Wilmers eyes locked with mine i jumped into his arms giving him more of a real hug than what we did for the fans..

Later that night Will and i had picked up Kayla and we spent time with her either watching movies or playing with the wii hooked up to the movie room..

It was really amazing how happy Wilmer was with Kayla and vise versa..

Kayla had even cried when she saw Wilmer and had admitted to thinking he had left us forever, which broke my heart.. But i could get where she was comming from..

After Kayla had fallen asleep Wilmer and i went to bed and showed how much we really missed eachother..


Sorry guys i haven't updated 😌

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now