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Kayla acted strange on the plane ride, and during baggage and security before.. She wouldn't let anyone touch her or talk to her..

For a moment i thought she was being a bit bratty, but when i watched her flinch when the pilot tried to give her a high five..

She sat in her seat, and when she was there.. Her eyes didn't leave the ground..

"Baby? Whats wrong??" I ask concerned as i watch Kayla stare at the ground...

She looks up at me and just smiles.. "Nothing moma.."

I know that smile.. She calls me moma when shes either extremely happy, or trying to cover up something..

"Kay, tell me.." I wisper..

She shakes her hed.. I can't..

I sigh making her stand and leading her towards the back room of my private plane..

Once the door is shut i kneel down and hold my daughters hand.. "Sweetheart.. You know i love you right??"

She nodds..

"And you know.. I'd never give you up.. Not for anything.." I smile weakly..

Kayla nodds looking down..

"And you know.. I'd never perpously hert you.. Or say anything to.. right ?".

''Mhmm" she whispers..

I look into her eyes.. "If you know all these things.. Why cant you just tell me what happened, who hert to you? Im not gonna tell anyone if you do.. And besides.. Whoever hert you before will never touch you again, as long as me and daddy are here.."

Her chin quivers as i say my words genuinely and passionately..

"Kayla.." I say giving her hand a firm squeeze. "You can tell me.. All you need to do is tell me.. And you'll feel so much better after you do.." I say pulling her closer to me.

Kayla looks up into my eyes.. Takes a deep breath and starts to speak..

"My daddy. He... He hit me a lot.. And he made me.. Do things i didn't like... And if i dont do them.. He hits me...... And sometimes his friends help him. And my daddy says my mommy is gone, and she didn't love me..." She rushes a little in a hushed voice..

"And.. And.." She shakes her hed burring her face into my neck as she sobbed..

"Oh baby.. Im so sorry.. I didn't mean to bring back any..." I rubbed her back letting tears fall out of my own eyes.

Kayla has been through so much more than i had expected.. And my heart broke as she sobbed in my arm's..

I could only comfort her with my words, but the emotional and mental scars would be there forever.. Which i hated..

The rest of the flight consisted of Kayla and i cuddled together, watching Disney movies and Kayla reading to me, or i read to her.. I told her stories, and finally introduced her to the world of Netflix..

I felt so nervous when Kayla and i were finally in the car.. On our way to my family's house...

When the car approached the house, memories of my childhood kept rushing back..

Thank God i only remember most of the happy ones now..

The scary and bad memories were pushed in the back of my head a very long time ago.. When i was going through treatment..

As soon as we parked the door opened and my eyes watered.. My fingers untangles from Kayla's slight grasp and i ran towards Eddie's arms once i got out of the car..

I felt him sigh as he hugged be back.. "Oh my gosh Demi.. You've grown so much.." He said as he rubbed my back..

I looked up at him and smiled.. "You have no idea how much ive missed you.. And your barbeque.." I wicked smiling..

Eddie chuckled. "Soo uh.. Is this the lovely Kayla?" He asked...

Only Eddie and Dallas knew a little about Kayla's personality because there the only ones i was comfortable with calling, there the only ones, that begged for me to stay..

I move a little, so Kayla could stop hiding in between my legs.. Her fingers somehow found my hands again and she rested her hed on my thigh..

I smile at her, only because this is the first time ive seen her act so shy.. In a while..

"Kay, that's Grandpa!" I chuckle looking over at Eddie's playfully anoyed face..

He had told me earlier that he wanted to be called Eddie.. Not grampa, because he didn't wanna seem old..

Kayla coaks an eyebrow.. "But mommy? I thought Max was grandpa." She says..

I laugh and shake my hed.. "Yea.. But this is Eddie.. My daddy, so he's your grandpa.." I explain..

Her body relaxes and Eddie motions for a hug.. I watch as she slowly huggs him and he picks her up.. "I heard you like dolls.." He winked.. "I have a suprise for you later.."

Kayla giggles in excitement and Eddie finally helps me with the bags..

"What did you bring Dem, the whole world?"

I hear and oh so familiar voice say as i place a bag against the stairs for Eddie to haul..

I turn to see Dallas who's grin is as big as mine was during camp rock filming..

She had her original brown hair now, and she looked absolutely stunning.. Even in her sweats..

"Dal, you look even more beautiful than facetime.." I giggle.. "But beautiful as always.." I smile hugging her tightly..

"I missed ya kid.. I really did.." She wispers.. I sigh and stare at my old living room..

"So may memories in here.." I sigh running my finers over the leather brown couch, remembering how i used to sit there and feed Madison when i was little, or play hand games with Dallas..

"Good ones..." Dallas smiles softly..

"So uh.. Where's mom?" I say un easy.. "And Madison?" I asked seeing no trace of anyone but Dallas and Eddie..

"Oh, Moms at the grocery store... And Madison is at school.. Then she has acting with me.. And thennn i figured me, you and Madison could have a sisters night out, once you explain.. And we could go to the movies.." Dallas said..

She definitely planned this through..

"But.. What about Kayla?" I ask..

Dallas coaks a brow in a playful way.. "Your really worried.. Look at them.." She points at Eddie and Kayla..

There in front of what we used to call the art gallery, Eddie had Kayla on his shoulders like Wilmer usually does.. "And this is you mommy again, with her sisters.." Eddie says pointing....

Kayla smiles.. "My mommy is so pretty, and so are her sisters." She beams..

I blush a little at her comment..
"Whell ok then.. But what if she hates me when i explain everyrhing to her.." I say making Dallas look down at her watermelon socks.

She always does that when she's hiding something.. "Dal.. You know your still my sister right? What happened?"

Dallas looks up at me and sighs.. "Maddie might just have a tiney bit of a liking to DEMI LOVATO music, And other artists.. But mostly you.."

I slap my hed in frustration.. "So.. She definitely doesn't remember me as me.."

Dallas shruggs.. "At least she loves you.. And besides your only here a week.. We need to have some fun.."

I nodd in responce.. And Dallas grins walking over to Kayla and Eddie..

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