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"Kayla.. Who did this to you?" I wisper concerningly as she is now dressed and seated on her bed, still dazed from the nightmare she had.. She looked down and didn't speak..

"I cant tell you.." She mumbles.. My eyes widened.. She spoke, fully!! Her voice was so sweet and innocent.

I was so excited, but i seriously needed to know.. This was more serious than just a few words..

"Kayla, How am i so post to help you? Whoever did this to you has to go to jail.. So they never do it again.. To anyone.. Including you.." I say concerningly..

Kayla looks up at me, then at her toes.. "I.. I cant.. Im not so post to talk.." She said playing with her fingers nervously..

She spoke in a rushed tone, as if someone was listening..

"No. No. Kayla.. You have to understand whoever said that.. Your old mommy, your old daddy.. They cant ever hert you.. Me and Wilmer are here for you now.. We will never tell you to shut up or hert you.. You can trust anyone i can.. Your safe here.. You can trust us... We love you." I explain.

She looked up at me.. "I still... I cant tell you.." She mumbled shivering with anxiety.

I sigh looking over at her.. "You don't have to tell me anything you dont want to.. But.. At least talk to me? I never want you to stop okay?" I urge her..

Kayla looks up at me hesitantly then nodds slowly..

"I love you.. mommy..." She wispers softly.. I smile and sniff as tears start falling from my eyes.. This is what makes every mom happy, but me.. I was literally throwing a party in my hed.. I hold Kayla in a tight embrace contemplating on letting go..

"Do you... Love me?" She asked in a hussed wisper..

I grin at her.. "I love you so so much baby girl.. To infinity and beyond.."

Kayla smilles hugging me a little tighter.. I kiss her hed..

"Ok, now lets go make some pankakes!" I giggle trowing Kayla's tiny fraim into the air and catching her.. She giggles and holds on to my neck as i carry her down stairs.. Kissing her hed each time i reach a step. She made me so happy.

I was gonna tell Wilmer about her talking.. But he had already left.. So i decided i would surprise him when he got home..

Kayla and i made pankakes and ate them while we watched what seems to be Kayla's new favorite show.. Sophia the first..

Its pretty cute, and actually makes sence.. We also watched a bit of Dora too.

"Hey Kayla?" I asked clearing the dishes and putting them into the dishwasher. "Yea?" She replys softly, still getting used to talking..

"Are you okay if we go to the mall today?" I asked.. She nodded but looked confused as if she didn't know ehat i was talking about..

"Mommy? What's a mall?" She asked innocently.. Its like she's a whole diffrent person when she speaks now..

I didn't anserw right away, since i was getting used to this new name..

"Umm, its a place where you get cloths and toys.. Were gonna get you some new cloths.."

"Ok." She said cutely walking off to the common room again.. I smile as i watch her cuddle back into the couch waiting for me to join her..

We watch tv for a few more munites and then we hed off to the mall. We could have taken Wilmer's car, but he was at his meeting.. I really wish he wasn't because it would have been amazing for him to hear Kayla speak..

"Woah! I like the mall." Kayla smiles as we hold hands walking into Justace.. "Im glad you like it baby.." I smile softly at her and and lead her to the cloths her size. "Me too baby.." I giggle..

Kayla and i went to a million stores, some including G.A.P kids, Carters, Macy's, Old Navy, Childrens place, and Blue Bird.

We ate lunch at a pitzaria and sat giggling and talking about little things..

Kayla is the most smartest, adorable, and most perfect little girl ive ever seen..

She went on and on about tv shows, McDonald's and things she learned in school before she came to Wilmer and i, which was one of the things i still had to work on.. I didn't want her to go to school just yet though.

Anytime she talked i incouraged her to speak more and more, till it became a normal thing...

"Wow baby.." I grin throwing out our garbage and grabbing Kayla's baggs and some of mine as she talks about knowing how to read at the age of four..

She was living a life of silence and was so afriad she'd say somthing wrong, she didn't have a mother to come home and talk to, all of those things she couldn't say.. she told me, probaby all at that moment..

But i still listened to every word..

I might have splirged on some sun glasses and new boots.. But it was a very special occasion..

I grab those too and head out..

"Mommy?" The little girl had asked her hand holding mine and a small smile overcoming her face..

"Yea?" I reply looking down at her.. "What about daddy? Will he get mad if i talk?" She says nervously..

My eybrows furrow and i look down at her face as i place her in her seat.. Drained out, and filled with fear..

"No, he'll never get mad at you baby.. Daddies are there to protect you.. And be your best friend.. Not hert you.." I explain driving out of the mall..

Kayla lets out a sigh.. "Ok.."

On the way out of the private sucluded mall, we reach the gate.. And once were out we got mobbed by paparazzi...

The flashes cause me to stop my car and close my eyes for a secound.. I give Kayla my sunglasses and put on the ones i had bought as well..

Once we start driving back up to our private neighborhood Kayla looks back at the crowd of men, with noting to do with there lives. They make me so angry.. If i didn't have a child with me.. Im 99 precent sure id flip them off.

"Do they do that to eceryone?" Kayla asks innocently as i park..

I shake my hed. "Just me baby.. Im a famous singer.. I perform for people.." I explain..

Kayla's eyebrows furrow as i park.. "Does it hurt?" She says almost below a wisper.. Her eyes looked so painfull..

I look over at her and shake my hed.. "No.. Baby.."

Tears fall out of her eyes and she climbs from her seat to be nestled into my arms.. "I dont want you to get hurt mommy.. I love you.." She mumbles as i wrap my arms around her body..

I kiss her hed kinda confused as to why she got upset.. "Dont worry baby.. I wont.." I say.

I sigh and look up from my car window and my eyes widen. Shivers of anxiety make my body tense, and Kayla looks up at me.. Thats when i see it...


What do you think Demi sees?

Sorry... There wont be much dramma in the first book, but in the second theres definitely gonna be more..

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