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I lost someone i can't live without, and my heart is badly broken, and the bad news is that i will never get over the loss of the man i love. It's like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly..

And i stay up through sleepless nights crying to that leg to be fixed..

I haven't heard from Kayla since Wilmer left.. I imagine him and her lauging together, being happy..

She probaby forgot about me already..

My mind shifts to how im missing her birthday, her first day of school, her graduation.

My mind shifts to Wilmer finding a lady, much more beautiful than me.. They get married, and have a beautiful baby..

A baby that i can never have.. I imagine him protecting Kayla from ever remembering i even exsist..

My mind shifts to myself.. I'll be all alone.. In this house.. Mabey i might even die in here.. Who know's what my life is without them..

I groan sitting up on my bed, only to find Marissa laying beside me..

I dont smile, or sigh.. I appreciate she's here, but there would be nothing she could do..

I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and wince..

I walk out of the bathroom and into Kayla's room..

Shes not there..

I knew she wasn't but i check, just in case im having the worst nightmare possible.. But the scarry part is.. Its all real..

I spent the whole day with Marissa, Nick called but i didn't speak... All i could do was stare at the family photo that hung over the fireplace..

I perilously left my phone on, hoping Wilmer would somehow take me back.. But he didn't call..

He never loved me..

"Daddy?" Kayla asks sitting on the hotel bed...

"Yes babby?" I ask..

"How come we didn't go on the trip with mommy?" She asks..

My heart akes juat thinking of Demi and how she kissed Logan, he had sent me a picture noting that he had just slet with Demi, and It was nice to hear her moan his name again..

She hert me badly, but most of all, i wanted to kill him for sending it to me..

I sometimes wish no one had even told me.. But i know i would be pissed living with the fact my wife is a cheat..

Sometimes i find myself crying so hard i feel like passing out..

I didn't wanna drink beer because i know how bad i can get..

All i could do is hold Kayla and tell her she's see her mother sooner or later.. But I felt like we both knew she wouldn't..

Weeks passed, then turned into months.. Demi had called once almost every week, but once I got in touch with my management team which was the worst mistake ever, they had already filed divorce and there started a huge custody battle..

And the crazy part was..

I won.. 

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now