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"That was fast.." Demi sighed putting her phone on the charger.. I shrugg. "She was already asleep.."

Demi smiled in response..

Her smile was so beautiful it made me smile myself...

There was a pause when i got into bed.. "I saw your comment earlier.." Demi whispered playing with my fingers..

I smilled looking down at her.. "Trust me.. I could write so much more.."

Demi smiles again..

"Demi.. I know today is my last day, and im leaving tomorrow, but im really sorry i couldn't spend time with you.. I really wanted to. I just-."

Demi let out a soft 'mhh' sound.. "Shh.." She wisperes..

"You know your accent turns me on a lot.." She pauses to open her eyes and begins looking at me sexily.. "And your gonna have to fix me.."

A smirk spreads across my face.. "Oh, i thought you'd never ask.."

Demi smirks.. "Thank God, because i though I'd have to force you.." Demi winked bringing my lips to hers..

We made out intensely for a while and soon i brought my fingers to Demi's shirt pulling it up..

I needed him to take all my pain away..

The way I saw it as was Wilmer slowly healing me through his thrusting, touching, kissing and licking. Which made me go crazy.

I guess i just missed him sexually.. We stoped having sex when Kayla came into our lives, and were just to busy..

Finally Wilmer thrusts into me with no warning causing a groan to escap my mouth..

He starts off slow to wisper things into my ear, making shivering sensations go through my body..

"You feel so good hermosa.." He moaned in his thick sexy accent thrusting a little faster causing me to close me eyes..

Wilmer and i moan and groan and soon find ourselves climaxing together. This felt so amazing.. And honestly it feels good when we haven't had any interractions for a while.

*so... sorry for people who dont like this stuff.. But it kinda had to be done.. 😰

"That.. Was amazing.." I breathe out giggling..

Wilmer smiles down at me and sighs.. "I love you babe.."

I smile.. "I love you too.." I say softly trying to steady my breathing..

"Demi.. I really do love you.. I dont imagine a life without you.. Dont let any comment tell you otherwise.. If there was something beyond marrige i would do it in an instant with you.. And you know im gonna hate leaving you and Kayla.. But i cant leave you feeling insicure or think that i dont love you.. I dont know where im going with this.. But i lovw you.. A lot.."

Demi wrapped and arm around me and smiles genuinely happy with my words.

"I cant imagine loosing you, and you dont know how lucky of a wife i am.." She wispers..

I smile holding her closer, she plays with my hair until we both fall into a restful sleep..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now