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A tall figure dressed in black.. A hood covered his/her face and he/she slightly peered at Kayla and i from behind the tree, which was away from our private gate.. More shivers go down my spine as i squint at the figure..

Could it be paparazzi? No.. The paps dont give me that feeling.. And they'd be yelling by now..

I blink twice and stare at the tree again.. But this time.. The figure vanished... Just before my eyes.

I confusingly rub my temples and shake the thought of anything negative out of my hed, holding Kayla on my hip and getting out bags out..

I just assumed my imagination go the best of me.. And.. I gues it did.

"Ok, now try it again.."

" te"






"te amo papá"

"te amo papá¡"

"Perfect!" I grin ticking Kayla's sides as she lets out the most adorable laugh..

Kayla let's out a grin repeating the sentence a few times.. And we decide to play dolls till Wilmer got home..

Once we hear the door bell ring i holf Kayla and open it.. Wilmer smilles pressing his lips on mine and Kayla's hed..

"Hey, how was the trip at the mall?" Wilmer asked..

I give a cheeky smile.. "Great!" I giggle.. Wilmer coaks a brow.. "Are you about to attack me or something?" He says chuckling, but still looking around..

"Umm.." My eyes trail of to Kayla and her mouth opens with a smile.. "te amo papá¡" she giggles.

Wilmers eyes widen and he attacks Kayla with kisses and throws her up into the air only to cath her.. "When did she start speaking?" Wilmer mouthed as he hugged her..

"This morning" i mouth back. He grins at Kayla.. "Hey, lets go have dinner yea?" Kayla smilles and i nodd.

We went to Thai restaurant.. It was really nice..

Dinner was amazing and i could tell Wilmer was so happy as Kayla began to open up and speak more..

It was as if she had forgoten she was so post to stay silent..
She kept conversation with us, and Wilmer and i just let every word sink in..

When Kayla called Wilmer daddy he almost fainted.. This little girl did distract us from all our insecurities, mostly mine.. And also our crazy work sceduels.. She was just so perfect..

I had been getting texts from Phill and all of management, calling me in for studio time and meetings for promo..

I did not have time for all that stress, so ive kinda been drowning myself into spending as much time as i can with Kayla and Wil.. I'd catch up to work later..

The studio.. Wasn't an option right now.

Wilmer, Kayla and i slep peacefully snuggled into eachother like three puzzel peices..

I still had the feeling we were being watched by that black figure person/thing.. But i shrug it off and blamed it on my imagination.. It could just be my crazy self continence playing games with me..

But right now i just wanted to focus on how adorable my little family looks..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now