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I was woken up to the buzzing of my cell phone..

I groan picking it up..

"Hello?" I listen to the familiar voice.. It almost startles me.. It was.... My mother...

We havent spoken since.. I told her i got married, lets just say they weren't very fond of Wilmer..

Uh... Demi?

Uhhh.. Hi.. I mumbled still quite shocked..

Demi.. I know your probaby wondering why i called.. I uhh.. I heard you have a daughter now..

Yea.. I do.. She's uhh.. Adopted.. I cant- . Err im not.. fertle. I mumble letting shades of red brush up into my cheeks.

Oh... Was all she could say..

Yea..     Mom? I ask... I spoke softly because Wilmer kayed sound asleep beside me..


Look i know you wanna see her.. But Patrick.. And Wilmer.. I just cant let Kayla get into it all, thats why i moved..

Wilmer eventually woke up and sat up concerned and touched my arm..

I guess i looked pretty upset.. 'Its my mom' i mouthed. He sighed rolling his eyes.. I gave him an apologetic look and he just shrugs..

Yea.. I know.. Were working on Patrick acctually staying away..

Oh..Good.. How's Madison, and Dad? I call my half sister, Madison's father dad.. Because he's the closest to one ive ever got one.. My mom got pregnant with Madisom right after she filled for devorse.. It was like she married the wromg man..

There okay..

Yea.. They obviously would be.. Madison has no idea i still exsist.. I roll my eyes and rub my temples.. I dont even know why your being so nice.. You woulda hung up on me if i called. And you know i do..

Yea.. I know and im sorry.. Please, hear me out okay.. We just moved out.. And Madison is graduating Middle School.. We want you to meet her then.. She wont remembr you.. But now, without Patrick.. We can settle things. Mabey Wilmer and i could work things out too.

My eyes soffen and i hang up the phone with an anxious sigh.. Middle school?! I havent seen her for that long.. I remember when she was just a five year old..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now