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"MORNINNGGGGG!!" I feel tiney feet jump on my bed.
"Mommyyy!! Get uppp!!" I hear Kayla's voice chirp again..

I let out a moan and roll over to find Kayla laying in front of me, her finger tucked into her mouth, and a huge grin on her face..

"Morning?" I say smiling at my beautiful baby.. I seriously wish i had given birth to this adorable little girl, because she's practically what i wake up for.

I cant even express my love for her..

The moment i had layed eyes on her.. The first time she smiled, spoke and even laughed.. My heart swelled up and could probaby burst any secound now..

Kayla lets out a small giggle and inches closer to me.. "So, whats so special about today huh?" I say brushing hair out of her face..

Kayla shrugged and spoke softly.. "I donno, i.. I just.." Kaylas eyes trail to the sheets..

"Just what Kay?" I ask making her look at me..

"I.. I just love you mommy.. Because, you never took me back to the orphanage.. And... You never hit me.. And your not.. Like my daddy and mommy, your a good mommy.." Kayla tucks herself under my arm and smiles..

I kissed her hed and let out a sniff.. "Awe baby, your so sweet.." I say rubbing her hair..

Kayla grins.. "Thanks mommy.. Happy Mothers Day!!!" Yells grinning as she sat up..

I hear the door open and i confusely watch as my whole family emerges with a whole breakfast platter..

My eyes widen as i look at my phone.. "Is it really mothers day?" I chuckle..

Madison nodds plopping next to me..

I smile as my mother hands me the huge ammount of breakfats..

"Thanks.. But no thanks.." I chuckle, forgetting how i usually feel after eating too much.. Dallas coaks an eyebrow..

"I cant eat this all by myself.." I motion for my mom to lay next to me.. She's unsure at first but we end up laughing together and having the best morning ever, cracking jokes, taking pictures and munching on bacon..

Wilmer called soon after, and we were originally so post to talk for a few munites, but it turned into hours, and a facetime call.

"So, whats the plan today?" Madison asks drying the last plate in the kitchen..

I shrugg.. "I was thinking we could go to six flags?" My mom blurts out..

My eyes widen and Dallas and i immediately nodd.. Madison is still shell shoked so her mouth wouldn't stop gaping open..

On the other hand, Kayla stared at us confused.. She didn't even have to ask, i could tell by her face..

"Six Flags is an amusement park.. A place where we ride rolor coasters baby.." I explain.. Kayla nodds and a grin spreads on her face..

"Oh, and Nick and Olivia are in the area, can they join?" Dallas asks staring at her phone..

My mother smiles and so do i.. "Sure, i haven spoken to Nickolas in years." She says making me smile at his full name..

I usually used it when i was angry or disappointed..

Durning the morning we just talked and laughed together for a while, then we all got dressed.. I wore...

And after i got dressed i was suprised to see Madison had taken so much intrest to get Kayla ready too, and her outfit and gosh looked adorable

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And after i got dressed i was suprised to see Madison had taken so much intrest to get Kayla ready too, and her outfit and gosh looked adorable..

I wanted to squeeze her cheeks immediately but i knew she hated that..

Her caramel skin glowed in the sunlight from the window.. My little angel.. I thought chuckling..

Once everyone was done, i had to take a few pictures of Kayla before we left, then Nick and Olivia came

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Once everyone was done, i had to take a few pictures of Kayla before we left, then Nick and Olivia came..

I haven't seen Peyton since i adopted Kayla, which would have been crazy for me before.. But Kayla keeps me whole now..


"Hi bubby!" I say taking Peyton from Olivia.. I grin as Peyton smiles resting his hed on my shoulder..

Nick hugs my mom, and Olivia hugs my dad, they switch partners and the couple heads to my sister and i..

"I see it went well.." Nick smiles.. I nod chuckling..

"And whats my new best friends name?" Nick asks looking down at Kayla who's hands were wrapped around my leg..

I chuckle at her shynes again.. "Kay this is uncle Nick.. My boy best friend.." I smile at her.

Kayla relaxes a little, letting go of my arm.. Nick asks for a high five and she shyly gives him one..

"Peyton is so big now.." I smile at the baby who's hands wrapp around my neck..

"Yea.. Im guessing he's pretty tired from the drive.. We stoped by Kevin and Danny's place.." Nick says.. I smile at the spitting image of Nick and chuckle..

"Im surprised you didn't name him Jerry Jr.." I joked..

Nick playfully rolled his eyes..

He picks up Kayla and puts her on his shoulder as we assign car arrangements..

"You stole my baby, i'll steal yours.." He chuckles looking up at Kayla with a smile on her face now..

"Wow, Nick your tall.." She says looking down at me, then up at the sky..

I roll my eyes at Nick who gives a playful laugh at me..

Kayla ended up riding with Nick and Madison.. My parents used a seprate car, and Olivia, Dallas, Peyton and i took a car..

During the whole ride we laughed and talked together..

Sometimes Nick would pass our car purposely just to make silly faces with Kayla or annoy the heck out of Olivia, since she was scared for a crash..

When we finally go there, and bought tickets we went straight to the rides..

We rode almost every single one twice by the end of the day..

Some lines took longer than others because we kinds forgot we were famous.. So Nick, Olivia and i were bumbarded with fans and people with camera's..

I met some sweet Lovatics.. And some spoted me on there ride, so they sang "Really Dont Care" while they rode..

Dallas and i found it halarious.. Some girls even screamed out to Kayla but she clearly did understand why they were doing it..

She just wanted to have fun with her family..

After the whole day piled up, i guess someone called paparazzi, so somehow the workers at six flags had helped us escape before anything had happened..

After six flags we had a mothers day dinner with just my parents, Liv Nick and i. This kinda made me miss Wilmer, but Nick and my dads sense of humor kicked in.. Making my night.

I had called him before i went to bed, and told him about our day.. He seemed pretty tired, so i kept i short and simple..

My day felt so undescribable.. But the pit in my stomach reminded me that i would soon have to leave..

The only bright side was.. I was gonna finally see my husband...

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