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"You stupid little kid!" Daddy yells grabbing my throat..

"Didn't i tell you to stay in the closet!!" He yelled hiting my face..

Tears came out of my eyes and i started to cry as people carried me away from him.. They put something to cover his arms and put him and a blue car..

"Your alright now sweetie, its okay..." A nice lady told me.. I didn't say anything, like daddy told me to, but i was scared...

She picked me up and put me into a nicer car.. It was warm, and nothing like my cold room..

(A/N) Millions of flashbacks come to her all at once from the past, and some recent events.. (There in oder..)

*"Shut up you little stupid screwup!" Dad screamed chasing me after i spilled some orange juice on the floor..

* "Be for mommy! Listen to daddy, i love you baby!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Stop please!
Nooo!!" Mommy yelled as Daddy's freinds pull her away.. I hear three lound noises and she never came back..

* "Im gonna kill you!" My daddy yelles after he drank something, it smells bad.. He kept on hitting me until i fell asleep on the floor..

* "Stupid kid!" Daddy yelles holding my neck sinking me into the tub water when he gives me a bath..

* "Lets play a game.... You lay down on the bed and i'll show you the rules.." Daddy says, he plays that scary game with me all the time now.. Sometimes he brings his friends and it herts a lot..

* "Didn't i tell you to eat it!!!!" Daddy yells making me eat my own puke.. It tasted nasty, i threw up again, and he made me eat all of it until i didn't puke..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now