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Weeks later..

The honneymoon pase seemed to be forever for my family.. Kayla, Wilmer and i were inseparable..

Wilmer and i can still sneak in so cute memories, along with Kayla which is usually most of the time.. Our careers didn't get in the way much anymore, since Wil was done filming and i released my new album and wouldn't be touring until the summer..

And Kayla is getting bigger, its scaring me a lot since she's always been my baby.. But she turned six about a month ago, and now looks like a seven year old ..

But in eairly June just one man, came and ruened it all.. He shaddered everything that has ever made me happy, and a spral of emotions hit me like they never have before..

"Ok Demi.. Break.." Phill calles from the sound both.. I nodd and sigh walking into the kitchen of the studio..

I scan the shelves for something healthy, but all i find is chips and junk food..

I  groan and opt for water, instead and the feeling of someone watching me is growing on me even more..

I turn and gasp holing my chest to see Tristan.. Whell, Logan... I call him Tristan because thats his middle name.. And it seemed to suit him more..

We went out when i came out of rehab..

I guess i kinda used him as a distraction.. Because i obviously knew i loved Wilmer.. He just.. Didn't see past the age diffrance thing..

"Hey Baby.." Tristan smirks.. My smile drops and turns into a glare..

I thought he was past us.. But obviously not.. "Looking for something?" I say crossing my arms with a slight attitude..

"Im sorry.. I just happened to notice your giant ass.." He smirks wrapping his arms around me in a way I'm pretty sure he thought was "Romantic"..

The munite i think to scream out Tristan shuts the door..

I mentally smak myself knowing that all the doors are sound proof..

Tristan slids his hands down to my waist again and pulls on my jeans.. I knee him in the crotch and glare at him harder.. "Dont you dare touch me!!! Im married you son of a-"

Triatan coaks a brow and smashes his lips to mine catching me in mid sentence, he forces my moth open and before i could bite his tounge or something to make him let go of me.. I hear a seris snap sounds..

I finally push Tristan away and he smirks.. "You think Wilmer will like this one..

My eyes widen as i punch Tristan square in the face, leaving a good mark

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My eyes widen as i punch Tristan square in the face, leaving a good mark.. "Your an ass!" I say grabbibg his unfortunate i phone six and shmashing it to the ground..

"Sorry princess but its already sent..." He says pouting his lip..

My face got red and i wanted to do so much more than punch Tristan..

I slam the door shut and when i storm out i feel Max pull me into his arms from another room..

"Demi where are you going?" He asks..

I shake my hed, tears streaming down my face... My selent cries turn into sobbing. I feel my chest tighten and all I could think about was Wilmer, the disappointment of my fans.. If this gets out.. My whole career would end. And Kayla would hate me forever...

"Max let me go! Let me gooo!!" I cry slapping his arms.. But max was obviously stronger, so i sink into his arms instead..

"What happened Dem?" He asks softly..

I burry my hed in my hands as I shrivel next to him.. "My life is over.." I wisper..

"Wilmer's gonna hate me.. And im probaby gonna kill myself if Kayla leaves me too.." I sobb...

Max's worried face holds me up to look at him.. "What happened?" He asks narrowing his eyebrows..

Before i could speak i hear Phill walk angrily into the hallway.. He kneels down and holds out his phone.. The pictures looked so real, like i was acctually making out with Tristan Henderson..

"Demi what is this??" He asks looking at me.. "Phill i swear i was played.. You know i hate him.. And you know i love Wilmer not to do that.." I say barely even holding a breath..

Phill sighs ans nodds his head.. "Demi, you know Wilmer's not gonna think that.. right." He says wiping my tears..

"I dont know what im donna do.." I say tucking my hed into Max's arm..

"Demi, you gotta go home and at least try.." Phill says..

"Yea.. I'll take you.." Max says lifting me up..

He puts me in a hoddie so paparazzi wouldn't worry, but by the time i opened the doors all i heard was..

"Demi over here! Demi why dis you cheat? Demi did you cheat on Wilmer? I heard he's taking custody of you daughter? Demi... You moving out? Haha!!" They yell causing me to sobb harder..

Once im my car the crying soon turns to silence and fear..

Tristian flases in my mind and i just wanna slash his throat..

When we get close to the house, my stomach dropps as i see Wilmer's car runng, with Kayla asleep When I'm finally at the door, before i nock it opens.. Wilmer just stares at me blankly.. He doesn't say anything.. He just moves past me and gets into he car, letting his anger show by slamming the door...

When i finally get to him, he looks at me, and shakes his hed.. "Wilmer, just leat me e-"

"Why would you do that to me.. To us?!" He practically whispers..

"Wilmer.. I didn't kiss him.. How could i?!"

Wilmer lets out a chuckle.. "Demi.. Dont lie to me... Were done.. Im sorry, this marriage cant stay for much longer.." He says soft spoken looking back at Kayla...

"Wilmer no!! Please dont take her!!"




Wilmer lets out a cold laugh.. "You should have thought about that when you were sucking his face.."

My heart shatters into a million peices and i cant feel myself breathing..

As Wilmer drives farther and farther away, i feel my grip on sanity, slowly fade..

The weird part is.. I didn't cry after he had left.. I thought he would come back to me, kiss my hed, say he was sorry. I expected Kayla to come running to hug my legs and let out that beautiful smile....

Because.. Mabey if i don't... I wont feel it anymore...

And it worked...

I was numb all over, and at one point I thought I could die..

Book 2?

Comment yes or no..

But this isent the end of the book..

I wanna see how active you guys really are.. 😂😂

Anyone catch that stone cold refrance.. 😆

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now