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The girls and I spend an amazing time at the movies.. We watched the fith wave super early, and Madison and i both cried..

I had so much fun.. And it finally settled in that Demi was my half sister..

The thing that hert me the most was my mother didn't let me talk to Demi.. I didn't understand why.. I mean.. Demi messed up.. Sure... But that gives my mother no right to just cut her out..

"Oh Madison! Tell her the time we went snowboarding in December.. And kid thought Eddie was Santa..." Dallas laughs..

"Oh yea!" Madison laughs.. "So.. This kid-" She pauses when theres a nock at the door..

Her face changes and so does mine.. My hearts racing because i know who's behind that door.. My mother.

The door opens and i watch as Eddie kisses Dianna on the forehead..

My mom's smile falls slowly once she see's Kayla who fell asleep on his shoulder.. Her smile reapears again, but this time it was diffrent, it was guilty..

I look to find Madison and Dallas walking upstairs.. 'You need to talk' Dallas mouths making me let out a nervous sigh..

My eyes find my feet and my moms voice makes me look up..

"She's beautiful.." I hear her say in a hushed voice..

My cheecks flush as i nodd in agreeance, looking into her eyes.. Eddie takes Kayla up the stairs kissing her head..

"Demi i-" i couldn't hold it in anymore.. My tears fell onto my face and i run up and hug her..

It was like every grudge i held against her faded away.. I just wanted a mom, to hug, talk to.. To Love..

I missed her more that i hated her anyway.. I love my mom and i always will..

My mom tucks her hand on my back and finally huggs me back.. "Im so soryy mom.." I sobb holding her tighter than i ever have before..

My mom rubbs my hair and i slowly sink into her arms..

"No. No honey im sorry.." She wispers.. "You have no idea.."

After we both stop sobbing.. "Mom, im so sorry for everything.. that a put you through.. Im so sorry... I deserved everything and im so so sorry.." I sobbed..

"No no.." Dianna wisperes.. "i shoulda just gotten you help, i should have never let you go.. Demi i missed so many moments in your life... I wish i could have been there.. Im so sorry.. Demi im so-.."

"Shh" i cut her off with a hug.. "I forgive you.." I sniff getting over my sobbibg.. "I love you mom, i dont want us to talk about this.. Its over.." I say smiling a little..

My mom smiles and kisses my hed. "You grew up baby girl.. And your the most beautiful ive ever seen you.." She wispers..

My mom and i talk for a few munits and i guess the rest of the family got the memo we were done talking..

We talked more, laughing and reminiscing.. Then mom talked about preperations she had for the week..

Kayla woke up a few minutes after dinner was ready, so we all ate and watched a few movies..

Madison adored Kayla, i guess more than my parents did.. Because she had a million of photo's that she had posted on socail media of Kayla and i, but mostly the adorable little girl..

She loved that little girl, but not as much as i did..

The time i spent with my family in just one day made me feel so happy.. I had nothing i was holding back..

The only person i felt was missing right now... Was Wilmer.. His hilarious jokes would just make the night somewhat special..

His arms around my waist at night would feel so comforting right about now..

But you cant have too much of a good thing..

"Night Demi.." Madison wispers as she tucks herself at one side of me, her feet tangled with mine.. "Night.." I wisper kissing her hed..

Kayla lay on the other side of me, her hed fit perfectly in the crook of my neck..

I let out a sigh, as i couldn't feel more happier right now.

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now