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The next morning i had apologized to Kayla about the whole thing last night.. Kayla took it uncomfortably well and her facial expression just said how happy she was just to be in her moma's arms.. Which made me so gratefull i just had to tweet about it..

This airport goodbye would hert me with a passion. And i know I've done these with Wilmer before.. But we have a child now.. This makes it even harder for both of us to let go..

Wilmer looked into my eyes, almost as heartbroken as i was at that moment..

Since paps still had some angles of us through the glass walls i had to hold in my tears, i didn't need any press right now..

"Im gonna miss you so much.." Wilmer sighed taking my hands in his..

"Yea.." I say below a whisper, biting down on my lip hard..

I know i promised myself i wouldn't cry.. But a tear slipped down my face and i couldn't help but sniff..

Wilmer slowly wiped the tear and i found myself wrapped in his arms again.. "I dont want you to go.." I sobb into his shirt..

"I know hermosa.. But i have to.. Besides.. Wouldn't you hate it not seeing the finale?" He says making me feel better a little..

I nodd and try to wipe my face, turning away from paparazzi.. "Whell, were still comming to visit next week right?" I ask in a soft voice..

Wilmer nods kissing my hed..

"Wanna make a video for the fans before i go?" Wilmer says with a playfull smile..

I roll my eyes and chuckle a little and nodd..

We do something silly and Wilmer desides to post it..

After that, he huggs Kayla for almost five munites and i find myself holding Kayla tightly as she cries for Wilmer to come back..

But he just blows a kiss and sadly walks on the plane, trying not to look back..

Kayla was silent on the way home.. And the only noise was the soft humm of the radio and her soft sniffs, which worried me..

Wilmer had face-timed us while we were in the car and he explained to Kayla what was happening..

She soon calmes down, but became more.. Quieter than usual...

There wasn't any time to waste though.. Because in a few hours, Kayla and i would be leaving for our flight to Collyville. And i still wasn't fully packed yet.. And i wasn't emotionally prepared either.

When we got home, the house kinda gave off that weird, something's missing vibe..

Kayla spent the day on the tire swing set Wilmer had made for her a few days after she got adopted..

I watched from the poarch in my room as she silently swayed herself with her doll in her grip..

Her hair looked so adorable in the two little dutch braids..

And this morning i had put her into a cute yellow flower printed rhomper with basic brown sandals..

People have been commenting on Kayla's style lately, saying shes the cutest celeb kid they know.. She's even made it to the front cover of magazines because of her beauty..

But only because we needed a pictures to show the public what she looked, when she was adopted..

I was so proud.. Wilmer and i littrally tweeted for days that our daughter was #1 on the Top Ten Child Stars.. She was so cute on there cover..

I looked at my daughter again and notice she isn't smiling or swinging anymore

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I looked at my daughter again and notice she isn't smiling or swinging anymore..

She's sitting on the log now, we use it to roast marshmallows in the summer, which is basically all year..

Her hed hung in her knees.. I see her body shake with sobbs and a wave of worry goes through my body.

Soon my mom instincts kik in and i start to walk down to the backyard..

I was sitting on the swing my daddy made for me.. When i heard a noise..

I stopped swinging and i looked up to see..

My daddy? My.. Real daddy?

"Remember me princesses.." He says, making me a little scared.

"Its okay princess.. Come closer.." Daddy says pulling me on my bed..

I wasn't wearing anything, because daddy had hit me today, and he always took my cloths off for that.. I didn't go to school, and today he made me perform to his friends..

I hate when he makes me.. If i don't do it he'll hit me..

I dont do that much for them anyway.. I just.. Stand there.. Or lay down.. and they.. they..

I dont talk, and i cant move because im so scared... But when i open my eyes.. I see mommy.. Not my real mommy.. But Demi..

She's hugging me and i hold her tight..

"What happened baby?" She asked..

I shake my hed and look at the grass and start sobbing..

"I cant tell you.." Or else im gonna be introble..

Mommy sighs and pulls mw to stand.. "Come on then.. Lets go get ready for the flight, yea?"

I nodd and walk with her..

When i turn around.. My real daddy is gone..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now