
744 31 2

Triggering Actions

When i got home i the house was silent..

I kinda felt bad that i couldn't spend time with the girls.. But the meetings i had to go through were very important for my carrer..

"Oh hi daddy!" Kayla smiles running into my arms.. I kiss her hed and smile at her..

"I missed you my love.." I sigh happily staring at my beautiful daughter.. Its so amazing.. The way she makes me feel on a day to day basis..

Kayla giggles.. "I missed you too daddy.."

"Where's your mom?" I ask looking around for Demi, but there wasn't a trace of her.

I watch as Kayla's face suddenly changes a little.. Her smile dropped, suddenly making a worried face.. Her eyes leave my face, and she stares at the ground..

"Kayla?" I say concerningly, feeling my somach drop.. "What happened?"

She sighs putting the barbie doll in her hands on her bed..

She motions for me to kneel down at her level and i do.. Once im at her level she opens her mouth to speak..

"I dont know why.. But mommy pretended to be happy before.. But she's crying now.. But i dont know why.. I was gonna go to her.. But i heard her screaming.. So.. I was scared.." She says looking at the ground..

I guess she was trying to distract herself with her toys.

I frown as Kayla's eyes fill with tears.. "Its okay princess, mommys gonna be fine.." I kiss her hed and she nodds..

I tell her to wait in her room, while i figure out whats wrong with Demi..

When i walk into our room.. I see her laptop was left on her bed.. The screem still glowed, but the battery was low..

@wilmervalderamma needs to devorce @ddlovato.. She's no where near goals.. Idk why he has taste in fat cows..

My eyes widened and filled with anger at the same time.. And i had that worried feeling in the pit of my stomach..

Demi has a fragile heart, and her feelings are super sensitive when it comes to me or her issues.. And i hate when people take her for granted...

I immediately comment back..

@XavierX could you lay off my wife.. First of all, you must be blind to call her the things you do.. Im discusted.. My wife takes things very personally.. Just let us be happy, and you can be the troll that you are.. I love Demi, and she is the most beautiful, most talented, and kind person ive ever met..

All of a suden replys come back.. But not one comments came from that hater..

I secound that 😍😍❤ @wilmervalderamma

I third that ❤❤ @wilmervalderamma

He must be blind 😒

Surely @OliviaCulpo

[More replys...]

After that i put all my attention on the sobbing behind the bathroom door.. Demi's cries brokw my heart

"Babe.." I say nocking on the door a little more..

I hear a few sniffs and shuffling noises..

"Its open.." I hear a small weak wisper and i turn the knobb preparing myself for the worst possible scenario..

My heart stops when i see Demi in the far corner, hugging her knees.. Her body shook with silent sobbs and her hair covered her face a little..

I instantly took action in making my wife feel better.

"Demi.." I say shuffling closer..

She doesn't respond.. "Come on nena, talk to me.." I wisper a little..

Demi sobbs and my eyes move to her fingers that dugg into her wrists.. It looked like she kept scratching them violently..

There was a trail of blood that lead to the razor blade left on the toilet seat..

"No.. Babe no.." I say a bit disappointed as blood streams from her wrists..

Demi sobbs hander when i finally get over to her. Her face filled with dissapointment and shame.. I hold her body close to mine and keep wispering reassurances..

My heark kept breaking each time she let out a sob.. I felt as if there was nothing i could do.. Because i was leaving tomorrow..

"Im so s- sorry.." Demi wispered inbetween sobs..

I kiss hed hed and stroak her hair..

"You know Kayla and i were really worried about you.." I say interlocking her fingers with mine.. "She said she heard you screaming.. But she didn't want you to get mad at her for trying to help.." I sigh..

Demi lookes into my eyes for a moment..

Then down at her wrists. Her eyes water a little more in dissapointment and she angrily holds her hed..

I pull her hands away and make her look at me as she sobbs uncontrollably..

"Babe. Please dont blame this on yourself.. You couldn't help it.. And besides, those comments dont mean anything, and shouldn't.. I dont want you to slip up like last time...." I say reffering back to 2013 during X factor when her father died.... The same kind of anonomus person had blamed her for his death..

Demi stops crying for a moment.. "You read them?" She asked wiping her tears, but more kept comming out..

I nodd and kiss her hed.. "I love you hermosa.. Just remember that on its own.. I. Love. You.. And no one else can say that i don't because there wrong.. I'll love you through anything.. Even rehab.. Nothing can seperate us baby.."

Demi sighs and slowly relaxes into my embrace..

I lean my head over so that i could kiss her..

The kiss was sweet and long.. It was like it took all of Demi's pain away.. Because she smiled a little and sat on my lap burrying her hed in my neck as she hugged me..

I rubbed her back and we stayed like that for a while.. I really didn't like seeing Demi like this..

"Im gonna put Kayla to bed.." I say.. Demi nodds taking her phone..

I coak a brow at her ans she smiles to show that she was texting Marissa.. I didn't want her reading into mean comments or anything like that.. Because somehow Demi finds her way to the mean comments..

When i walked into my daughters room.. I sighed as she slept in her bed.. Her right arm slung around the American Girl doll that layed beside her, and she slept with a soft smile on her lips..

I sigh and kiss her hed and wisper a sweet i love you.. Then head back to my beautiful wife..


Im not good at that stuff, im not really a pervert but whats a marrige without it.. 😭

Its just gonna be short n sweet..

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