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The car ride was long, we stoped a lot, and ate food. Demi and Wilmer asked ne questions.. Not mean ones.. Nice ones.. Like..

Whats my favroite color?

And.. What do i like to do?

I thought they were gonna be really mean, but there not..

There really nice.. I thought all mommies and daddies were mean.. Whell, thats what they told me..

"Welcome home princess." Wilmer said opening the car door and taking me out of the seat..

He smiles at me and i look at thr big house.. Where are the neighbors? Wheres the dirty road? This place lookes nothing like my old house..

Its so nice..

We walk to a big door and Demi opens it.. The house is even bigger inside..

Demi smiles, looking down at me.. "Wanna see your room?" She says.. Wilmer just puts his stuff down and calls someone on the phone..

Still kida scared i nodd and she holds my hand up the stairs..

"Your room is right next to mine and Wilmer's.. So you dont get lost.." I nodd and touch the soft bed in the room.. It looks so warm.. Ive never had one of these before..

I have my own table, Demi showed me something called a dresser and a closet.. There for my cloths, and stuff..

She even opened this huge toy box.. They bought a lot of toys.. Are they for me? Just in case there not.. I dont wnna touch them.. I dont wanna make anyone mad..

I smile as Kayla explores the room with wide eyes, expressing her thoughts to me through them...

I bought her bag up and unpacked her cloths..

They werent very great, so i just decided to put them back and give em to good will or something.. Kayla is definitely getting new cloths..

"Hey, its pretty late.." I say standing up.. "Wanna eat popcorn and watch a movie?" I ask her.

She hessatates and nodds. I sigh and step closer to her.. "You dont have to worry about doing the wrong thing.. Its okay, don't hessatate, were both kinda new at this.." I smile..

She gives a small smile back making my heart go mush, i kiss her cheek and hold her hand as we walk down the stairs..

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Wilmer says leading Kayla to our bookshelf of movies.. Her eyes scan the shelves and she slowly points to Monsters Inc..

"Good choice.." Wilmer grins.. I chuckle rolling my eyes at him.. "Awee, that movie makes me cry.." I pout..

Kayla turns to me with a nervous look on her face, almost scared that she had offended me in some sorta way..

I smilled at her.. "Its ok.. Its, a good kind of cry.." I mumble smilling..

Kayla's facial expression soffens and Wilmer puts in the movie.

"Wanna help me with the popcorn maker?" Wilmer askes.. Kayla nodds and he scoops her on his shoulder.. She smiles a little at him, and the sight warms my heart..

This little girl is so adorable, its amazing how she's not biologically ours, but she looks a lot like Demi and i..

Speaking is something we'll have to get used to.. But i can definitely see why Demi was so fond of her..

"Ok, now first we put the corn in.. Three scoops.." I say and Kayla slowly puts three, just as i say..

"Now we need butter.." I explain, i add it and close the machine door.. "Ok, now press that red button right there.." I motion..

Kayla does it and i watch as she's so fasinated by the popcorn..

"Cool right?"

She nodds smilling sweetly...

Once the popcorn is in the bowl I carry Kayla, who is holding it, over to the couch..

"Woah, that looks good.." Demi throws one in the air and cathes it in her mouth.. Kayla smiles at little and Demi does it again.. "Im a pro.." She wisperes playfully.. "And im better than Wilmer.. Dont tell him tho." She winks.. Kayla lets out and adorable giggle making my heart flutter. Not the way it does when Demj and i kiss, or when she says she loves me.. But a different kind of flutter.. The one you feel when your so happy with your life you couldn't imagine it any other way..

I throw one higher and catch it to show off. "Yea ok.. Keep telling yourself that." I chuckle..

Demi giggles rolling her eyes and we finally start the movie after goofing off..

I've seen this movie one to many time but the waterworks always come when Sully takes Boo back to her door..

Wilmer chuckles and rolls his eyes at me when a tear falls.. I roll my eyes back and Kayla looks up at me...

Im an actor too.. I cant blame myself when i get into the movie's characters..

She slowly reaches her hand out and softly wipes my tear, the same way i did to her when she was upset on the couch..

I smile at her and hold her body closer to mine.. "Awee thank you baby.." I say smiling and kissing her hed..

She gives and small smile and rests her hed on my chest.. We kinda just stayed like that for the rest of the movie..

After we were done, i cleaned up and let Wilmer put Kayla to bed.. Its weird how we fought over that.. He ended up winning.. Guess this is what parents do..

After i was done i took a shower and changed into a giant tee shirt and some underwear..

Once i was done with that i peeked in Kayla's room and smilled as she was fast asleep with her thumb in her moth.. She looked so adorable i had to hold in my squeal..

The light from the nightlight beside her bed projected stars across her cealing.. I just had to take a picture, because the room looked so good with her in it.. I sent it to Marissa, and immediately got a responce.

1st Night in her room 😆

Yasss! Work Moma Demi 👌 Props to me for her room tho..

I chuckle, not bothering to anserw and walk back to the room i shared with Wil..

He must have been tired because he was already asleep.. I crawl into the bed and lay on my side..

A smile spreads when i felt Wilmer bring my body close to his.. "Night my love.." He mumbled cutely..

I peck his lips even though his eyes are still closed.. "Night.." I reply with a sigh and a smile as i drift of into sleep..

"I love you.." I finally whispered..

I felt so.. Happy..

A/N- by the way.. Kayla is six.. Turning seven.. ☺

And she's pretty mature btw

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