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Book 2!!!

Read my second book to tears.. Its called..

{ Tears2 }

Ik im super basic, but i couldn't find a title, but thats what its gonna be for now.. If you have any idea's as to what the new kid is gonna look like, or be.. And i also need dramma suggestions for Demi, Wilmer Kayla, or the new kid..

I also want to dedicate chapters, but only if i get a certin ammount of votes per chapter..

Tears2 is going to probaby be super jam pack and dramma filled. Since Kayla is the first child i wanted it to be kinda chill, and then lead to dramma in the end that will sorta drag on to the next book. And I repeat Demi and Wilmer are not done forever.. Dilmer will return, but maybe as a relationship, maybe not..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now