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"Ok.. I have a suprise for you girls!!" Dallas says making us sit down after our presentation class.. Today i had class with all my friends, Abby, Caroline, Logan, Sadona, and Jade.

Abby grins grabbing my arm and making my butt hit the ground.. "Ouch!" I say playfully as she shusses me and turns to Dallas..

"Whell, more so for Maddie.. Its a graduation gift.." Dallas says making me grin looking around..

I frown playfully as i see nothing in the studio driveway.

"Awe fudge Dallas!! THERE'S NO PORSH IN THE DRIVEWAY!!" i say causing all the girls to laugh..

Dallas rolls her eyes at me.. "Here." She hands me a script..

"Sonny with a chance!!!!!" I almost yell doing a victory dance.. "Finally!!" I grin...

Caroline cheers slapping my hand..

"Umm there's just enough for all of us to have a part... But.. Who's gonna play Selena in this eposode?" She asks..

Dallas opens her mouth but someone opens the door cutting her off..

And i find my mouth gaping open as im staring at DEMI FRIKIN LOVATO..

I've always loved her music..

Since i was a kid.. I just thought i was so cool that her and Dallas had the same last name..

But my mom always told me it ment nothing, and she always got annoyed when i spoke about celebrities in generel..

"Demi?!" I hear Caroline say confused.. "What the-" Dallas stops me.. "Swear jar.." She says..

I roll my eyes and reach in my pocket, throwing her a quarter...

Demi smiles at me, like i was the only one in the room.. Making my heart flutter..

Logan clasps her hand over her mouth and stares at Demi, who walks over to Dallas casually..

Dallas rolles her eyes at Demi and just chuckles.. "Whell.. Suprise?!" Dallas says making fake fireworks with her hands..

I shake my hed at Dallas but my eyes keep trailing to Demi.. Then Dallas.. Then Demi.. Then Dallas.. They look alike, which is weird.. Right?

Dallas seemes to sense my confusion and changes the subject.. "Whell lets start!!" She grins as the girls introduce themselves to Demi..

"Ive heard so much about you Maddie.." She smiles genuenly at me.. It feels so different.. So much better in real life..

"So how long are you in Collyville?" Sadona asks happily..

"Im staying here for your graduation.." She winks.. My eyes widen and i smile, even though i have no idea why Demi Lovato would wanna be at my graduation..

We then go through the script easily.. Because we've done it before.. I always play Sonny, because im hilarious.. But it was weird seeing Demi play Selena.

After we taped it Demi complement on our acting.


Soon all of the girls left.. Dallas hade made Demi and i sit in her office to "talk"..

"Why are you comming to my graduation? How did you get here? I heard you have a kid now? Is she here? Is Wilmer here? Is..." I asked so many questions all at once Dallas had to interupt..

"Whell.. Madison.." She says.. "Demi has something very important to say to you.. And rules are.. You cant run away or speak.. Till i tell you to.." She says narrowing her eyes at me..

I shrugg and nodd looking at Demi.. "Shoot.." I say causually.. I didnt want her to think i was a creep because i love her music..

"You know i was in rehab at some point right?" Demi starts..

"Yea.. I was like eight then.. Not that much mattered to me then.." I say chuckling..

Demi smiles a little.. "Whell, i had a mom, obviously..and a dad.. And a sister.." She explains looking over at Dallas with a smile..

Madison's eyebrows furrowed.. She stared at our faces and sighed.. "Im not stupid.." She sighs looking at Dallas for a secound, making me feel worried for a moment..

"Ive seen you guys together, but i just guessed you had mutual friends like Megan and Marissa.. You were at her wedding.." Madison folded her arms and her face continued to register things..

"Yea.." Demi nodded.. "So.. Dallas is adopted?" Maddie asked..

"Whell, back to the main topic first.. Our mom and our dad fought a lot.. And that made me start finding ways to cope.. Like drinking, cutting and all that bad stuff at a super early age.. So anyway, one day my mom said enough was enough.. And i had to go live on my own once eighteen..." I sigh.. Dallas looked at the ground..

"A few years later i met my mother's new husband.. They had a little girl together.. She was eight the first time i met her.. Just like you were and.. I met her at one of my concerts.. We sang let it go.. And i told her i loved her.. So so much.. I told her to always remember me.. Because-"

Madison stood up..

She stared at me for a secound with watery eyes and ran a hand through her hair confused..

"Because she was my big sister.. You are my..."

Madisons eyes moved to Dallas.. "Why didn't you tell me!?" She chocked with tears streaming down her eyes..

Demi's eyes formed tears too and she slowly wiped them off her face..

"She couldn't.." Demi started.. "Mom wouldn't let us tell you.. And the day i saw you again.. At the concert.. She told me it was the last time I'd ever see you.. She said you would never remember you had a sister that was a... Drug addict." Demi finally whispered broken heartedly..

She broke down into light sobbs and Dallas hugged her from the side..

I felt so many things right now.. But i wasn't angry at Demi.. I was more pissed then ever at my mother.. Why would she push away her own child like that..

At this point.. I didn't see Demi as some superstar that could sing.. I saw her as my sister..

And i did remember the day of the concert, somewhat.. The song we sang together, and Demi's heartbreaking goodbye..

I was confused at that then.. Because i left.. Thinking i would see her the next day...

I find my body moving towards Demi.. And hugg her along with Dallas...

"I remember.." I wisper hugging her tight.. "And im not ashamed of you at all.. As a matter of fact.. I have your stay strong poster all over my room.. When people in school say Demi.. Everyone stares at me.. But i love you Demetria.." I say making Demi chuckle..

"You've grown up so beautiful.." Demi smiles at me..
I smile back and plush a little... "I hate sobb stories.. Can we just be happy now?" I say..

Demi smiles and nodds and Dallas just laughs..

"Madison.. You always kill the worst vibes.." She says gratefully..

"I love ya kid.." Demi adds...

"Love you too.." I wink..

Demi chuckles and we causally talk about her daughter who was at home, and we got to know eachother more and joke around till about four..

"So.. Movies?" Dallas says checking her phone..

I grinn..

"Movies!!" Demi and i squeall..

Sorry about spelling mistakes..

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