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"Last day." The words play on my lips.

Tears spill out of my eyes, and im sad to be leaving the security of middle school, a place where everything has its place and everyone has there cliques.

A then a joyous smile shows at the thought of finally being able to leave this boring totally overrated school.

Yet there was still one thing that people and i each have in common today.Were proud of ourselves and each other.

Ive spent twelve long years learning things that left me frustrated. Years of arguing with teachers over the answer of a question that, in my opinion, is just plain stupid.

Im graduating today..

In a ceremony in front of teachers, younger students and other parents, but including mine i receive my certificates.

A ceremony that, for the past four years, ive sat through and watched as people hugged and cried and thought I'll never be like that.

Then suddenly, as i stand to leave my friends, i stop struggling to hold back your tears. It's no use anymore..

As i look around the crowd i see the faces of people that i've have spent the past three or more years and even more with.

Ive seen them go from goofy little kids who were convinced that boys were icky and girls had cooties, to uncertain teens who would rather spend time on the internet than doing homework..

Finally, over the last couple of years, ive watched as completely different people emerge.

After all my friends and i have gone through with each other, i begin to realize that were all in this together, despite your differences.

Flashes of stories blast through my mind. funny kids about stupid things that you've done together. memories about pulling together as one when things seem too tough.

The day passes in a blur of smiles and tears. Soon i find myself saying my goodbyes to your teachers.

I hug my family and my mom cries about her baby growing up too fast, which makes me roll my eyes.

I laugh at you dad as he tries not to show emotion and acts as if this is any other day.

Then i realize, it's time to leave. Everyone is babbling animatedly as they walk eagerly to the school gate.

Suddenly, i feel myself stop.

I reached the gate and the realization has finally and truly hit me and the blow is like a sledge hammer. This is it.

There are no words to describe it. One more step. One little, tiny step, and you leap from life as a Middle school student who has nothing to worry about other than homework, to adulthood.

One more step and my life officially starts. All other things have been leading to this moment and now that it's here, i hesitate.

Im still scared of stepping into the unknown world of highschool next year but then a thought enters my mind.

It starts out as a minuscule seed but grows steadily, branches reaching to every corner of my psyche.

The fear deep in my stomach ceases to exist, like a candle going out.

This is a whole new adventure.

And i, Madison De La Garza, am steping forward.

I.. Graduated!!!

But the worst part now... Was that Demi and Kayla were leaving tommorow...

But at leats i can enjoy my newfound family now..

I think i used too many big words, but sorry id this chaoter is too boring. But it was Maddie's special day. She will me graduating with me.. Were in the same class of 2020, so who knows if i might bump into Maddie one day.😂😂

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Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now