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"Okay, last papers!" Miss. Hilary smiled as i scribbled my signatured on the lines followed by Wilmer.

"Okay, so as you know an adoption, permanently alters the legal relationship between a child and his or her biological parents. Adopted parents become the legal parents and biological parents give up all parental rights and obligations, except if they plan to sue.. But for Kayla her father doesn't have a right to because he's still battling his court cases. Anyways this means that biological parents no longer owe child support, and that the child can no longer automatically inherent from his or her biological parents. You wont really have to worry about that.. The end of a guardianship can only be when the child reaches the legal age of majority, typically 18. Or if a judge determines that a guardianship is no longer necessary or beneficial for the child. Which i dout will happen.." She pauses for a moment letting us look at the small six year olds profile..

"Whell, thats pretty much it.. You backround checks turned out wonderfull, and i dont see why you cant take Kayla home today... The only thing i suggest is... Since you are celebrities, you should hire an extra security guard just incase people from Kayla's past or fans want to creep in.. Her father, Adam Patino is assosiated with various drug curcles and gangs.."

I turn to Wilmer who dosent seemed to be that comcered.. I brush it off and stand up shaking Miss. Hillary's hand..

We say our goodbyes and i head up to get Kayla while Wilmer starts the car..

When i got back into the small room Kayla was sitting on her bed all packed.. I guessed she got the memo.

I frowned looking at her through the doorway.. She seemed pretty upset she was getting adopted..

My small nock at the door made Kayla finch and face me.. Her expression sofened and she stood up..

I gave her a genuine smile and knelt down to her level..

"Kayla.. You know what getting adopted means right?" I asked.

She nodded playing with her fingernails.. I sighed.. "Whell, is it okay if me and Wilmer be your new parents?" I asked senserely..

Kayla trembled a little but still nodded.. I smilled at the small girl and opened my arms... She slowly walked into them..

"Look Kayla, me and Wilmer.. We will never ever hert you.. We wont let anyone in the world hert you ever again.. I promise.." There was a long pause..

Kayla wipes a tear about to fall from her eye and nodds wrapping her arms around my neck.. I slowly pick her up and grabbed her tiney sute case..

When we walked out of the long hallway, Kayla tucked her hed farther in my shoulder ignoring everyone's mean glares..

"Ready?" Wilmer asked as i strap Kayla into her car seat.. I nodd and smile at the little girl who's eyes wanter around the back jeep..

The car ride was silent, but a good silent.. Since the orphanage was pretty far, we stopped a few times..

Kayla either looked out the window or quietly played with her fingers..

I could sence her nervousness, making me a bit nervous.. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with Wilmer and i..

(A/N) i hape im portrying Dilmer right.. Tell me if im not plz.. Any suggestions for dramma.. I could either do a Kayla scare or a Dilmer one..

Im not sure yet.. But im gonna stop writing until i get suggestions.. So please vote and spead the word.. Im open to any suggestions besides Nemi..

Because as you can see Dilmer is maried and ao is Nolivia..

Tears: Adopted by DilmerWhere stories live. Discover now