Chapter 1

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Niall pulled a teal graphic hoodie over his head as he walked out of his house, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. He walked quickly towards his step father's car and pulled the handle, feeling stupid when he realized it was locked.

"could you open the door?" He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, knowing he could be heard through the tinted window of the Porsche. He hated his step dad and his step dad hated him. They'd always managed to avoid each other but now since he moved to England and his mother had to work, Gabe had to drive him to school

Gabe didn't even bother to glance up from his phone as he reached to a button on his door that unlocked the passenger side of the car, pressing it

Niall pulled the handle and got in, closing the door. He turned his attention to his step father, staring at him for at least a minute before clearing his throat annoyingly

"why are you in such a hurry to get to school? Like things are going to be different here." his step father grumbled as he slid his phone in his pocket, focusing his eyes on Niall

Niall simply shrugged and scooted close to the window, staring out of it until he felt the car start to move and began to get lost in his thoughts. What if no one liked him here? It was his first day at his new school in a whole different country, what possibly could go wrong?

Everything. Possibly everything could go wrong. It always did for him, especially when it came to school. He wasn't the smartest one of the Horan family and keeping his grades up was a struggle he always had to face

Bullying was also a big problem for him. When he lived in Ireland he used to get bullied a lot, like a lot a lot. But it was technically his fault by making the mistake of telling his former best friend that he was gay. Not bi. Gay. His 'best friend' told the guy Niall had developed a crush on and the word got out. The whole grade, if not school knew about it.

That's the reason he moved in the first place. He was getting bullied constantly and when he told his mother she immediately decided they were moving. So it was goodbye Ireland and hello England.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice his step dad's annoyingly rough voice repeating his name but when he felt a shake at his shoulder he snapped out of it, looking at Gabe "uh- what, sorry I was thinking"

Gabe responded with a grunt "I know. We're here so get out."

Niall looked out of the window, watching as kids that looked around his age got out of their cars and headed towards the school. He could already feel the anxiety building up in his chest.

He let out a breath before opening the door and stepping out onto asphalt, looking at his step father "see you later" he murmured before shutting the door and stepping back as he watched the black car speed away. He turned to see a few confused faces staring at him which caused him to look straight down at his converse, knowing that they were confused to why he was there. A new kid in the middle of the year had to be strange

He slid his arm through the other strap of his backpack, grabbing the straps awkwardly as he walked past the small gathering of people. Managing to catch a whisper that sounded like 'who is he?' which caused him to quicken his pace

After about thirty minutes of blindly running around the school he found his first class, arriving late. He kept his head down when he walked in, the teacher that had been talking suddenly going quite and Niall felt all eyes on him

"uhm-is... is this math class?" he managed to say quiet shyly, hearing a couple of giggles that came from a few girls. It must have been the accent

The teacher nodded, a big grin spreading across her face "you must be Niall. Class, would everyone please welcome our new student, Niall Horan."

Niall heard a few welcomes mixed with hellos and managed to tear his eyes away from the floor, looking around at his new classmates

"is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself, Niall?" the teacher asked sweetly

Niall glanced at the teacher and responded with a silent nod "well... I-I'm from Ireland... I like... I like to play guitar and I, uh enjoy eating..." He heard a few laughs, at the last part and smiled slightly. He liked making people laugh. Even if it was a couple of high school students

Even the teacher chuckled and pointed at a seat in the back of the class for him to sit in. Good. He hated being in the front. Less attention. He made his way to the back of the class, murmuring a few 'excuse mes' as the teacher started to talk again

He took his seat and looked at the front of the room, his focus being interrupted by a whisper "psst!" Niall tried to ignore, shifting slightly in his chair. The voice had came from beside him and managed to fight the urge to look

"hey!" the same guy's voice whisper yelled, making Niall look at him

"I'm trying to concentrate." Niall whispered back sternly

"sorry, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Liam Payne." the guy whispered

Niall looked the guy up then down, he was wearing a white button up and dark jeans. He also had a handsome face and brown eyes. He looked nice

"well, hello Liam Payne" Niall greeted, keeping his voice low as the teacher spoke. Something about the square root of eight.

" find me at lunch." was all Liam said before looking forward

"what? why?" Niall whispered but got no response. He let out a long sigh before letting his head fall on his folded arms in front of him, focusing on the teacher.


After a couple more classes of Niall awkwardly introducing himself and being completely lost in all subjects lunch came and he found himself searching for the boy he met earlier. Sure, the guy didn't tell him why he got to sit with him but if he had a chance of making a friend, he was going to take it.

He felt eyes following him as he walked around like a lost puppy, about to give up before he heard the familiar voice of Liam "hey Niall, over here!" he yelled from across the lunch room.

Niall looked straight down, expecting the whole lunch room to go quite but nothing changed. He began to walk towards where he heard Liam, looking up when he heard him speak again

"you're so shy" Liam cooed with a smile and took a seat at an empty table. Did this guy have any friends? Niall wondered as he sat next to Liam

"so tell me about yourself." Liam said as he turned to Niall with an interested look in his eyes

Niall nodded slowly "uh, I'm from Ireland-"

He was rudely cut off by his new friend "I know that, you're from Ireland, you like guitar, and you like food. I want to know more. Speaking of food, where's yours?" Liam asked, looking at the spot on the table in front of Niall where his tray should have been

"I don't have any lunch money" Niall responded awkwardly and glanced around the lunch room before his eyes met with a pair of dark green ones, his breathing hitched and he quickly looked at Liam "why is that guy staring at me?"

Liam looked over Niall's shoulder. It took him a few seconds to find who Niall was talking about "I dunno but his name is Harry Styles. He's rumored to be bisexual and the girls drool over him."

I can see why Niall thought to himself. The boy was gorgeous. His hair was dark and curly, cut in a rather decent length.

Niall decided to steal another peak and glanced at the guy who was staring at him, the whole world seemed to stop spinning. People talked but he wasn't paying enough attention to hear them.

Harry was wearing mostly dark colors. His shirt was dark grey and his pants were black but he wasn't wearing a coat which confused Niall. It was the middle of winter and this dude wasn't wearing sleeves.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Liam's voice "Niall? you okay there?" he shook at Niall's shoulder.

"er, yeah. Fine." Niall said quickly and turned his head to look at his new friend

"okay, well lunch is over. Come on" Liam said, getting up and making his way towards the exit of the lunch room

Niall got up quickly and followed Liam, glancing over his shoulder at the seat where Harry was no longer sitting which made him sigh. It was only his first day and he already had a crush on one of the hottest guys in school.

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