Chapter 6

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"so, you mentioned werewolves earlier... why do you guys hate each other so much?" Niall asked, the curiosity clear in his voice as he took a seat in the chair he had earlier woken up in 

Harry took slow leisurely steps towards the chair, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed beneath him and laying the huge book in his lap "well," he started, turning his head to look at the blonde. "my parents have told me several stories, but I have my own little theory. It all started a long time ago, and when I say a long time ago I mean a long time ago. We used to get along, some even loved each other but everything changed one night. There were only a good five, six hundred of both of our species separately alive then and we all lived together in what is now, Maryland. Primarily werewolves were carnivores and vampires obviously drank blood from animals since humans weren't here yet, that's another long story, but anyways the werewolves were wild rambunctious creatures and cared for nothing but themselves, I know this sounds a bit biased but vampires were pretty chill. We knew how to control ourselves since we were yet to taste the irresistible tang of human blood. The smelly flee-balls began to eat way more than their share, munching down on our blood supply. So, the small clan of vampires decided to move up towards nowadays, Boston. But, all the werewolves did was follow, they cleared out most all of the animals in that area, sure the vampires got some but not enough to survive on. By now, us vampires were very angry." Harry stated and looked at Niall to see if he was still listening. 

The blonde was sitting up on his knees now, his arms wrapped around his small stomach as he leaned forward towards Harry, completely fascinated in the story "then what happened? did the vampires and werewolves go into battle? or did they make up?"

The curly haired vampire chuckled, "I'm getting there. So the vampires decided that enough was enough. They planned to sneak back to Maryland and kill as many of the werewolves' young as they could. Cruel? I know, but we were furious. So they did and successfully murdered a good fifty or sixty, the werewolves came back ten times harder and declared war. At least two hundred of us were lost in the fight but it was worth it because the werewolves learned their lesson. They fled towards what we now call California, and we haven't agreed on anything since." 

"and that's only a theory?" Niall asked 

Harry responded with a nod "my theory" he smiled, his pearly white fangs baring. "and I believe it's a pretty damn good one."

Niall nodded "I'd say... wait, how long exactly have I been here?"

"hmm, maybe a day or two." 

"what?! I have to get home, please drive me Harry." the blonde looked at his new friend with puppy dog eyes. 

Harry got to his feet "okay, okay but only if you promise I can sit with you tomorrow at lunch." he winked, looking at Niall



The drive was pretty lengthy, with Harry living in the middle of the woods Niall considered it would be. It wasn't until afternoon when he got home and the only thing he could think about was how angry his step father would be.  

Niall walked up to his decently sized house, looking back to see Harry's car pulling out of the drive way. He waved, earning one from his crush. At least he had something to look forward to about school, Harry Styles was going to sit with him at lunch. 

He jammed his key into the keyhole and turned the door nob, stepping through the threshold as he pulled the door shut behind him

"Niall James Horan!" a familiar voice yelled from upstairs, followed by the sound of heels against wood. Thank god, it was his mother. 

"hiya mum..." Niall spoke lowly 

His mother walked up to him, cupping his cheeks in her hands as she planting kisses all over his pale face "where have you been? I was worried sick." 

"I'm sorry, I met a friend. His name is Liam and I stayed a night at his house, my text must not have sent." he was lying through his teeth

"I understand, but call me next time if not talk to me in person." His mom planted one last kiss on his forehead before heading towards the kitchen 

Niall felt horrible for lying to his mother but he had no other choice. Like his mom would even believe he was kidnapped by a vampire he so happened to be crushing on and ended up falling more in love with him throughout the experience.

He sighed in relief and made his way up stairs. He was completely exhausted and he didn't even know why. But there was one last thing he had to do before he went to bed.

Text Liam.

Once he was all comfy in his bed he turned over on his side and pulled out his phone which he hadn't checked in the past two days. 

7 unread messages:

Monday at 4:50PM
From Liam: hey Niall, missed you at school today

Monday at 9:24PM
From Liam: there's another party this weekend, wanna come?

Tuesday at 5:00PM
From Liam: Okay, Ni I'm starting to get worried please message me soon

Tuesday at 5:01PM
 From Liam: Please

Tuesday at 7:00PM
From Liam: Niall, if  I did something wrong, i'm sorry 
Tuesday at 7:24PM
From Liam: :( okay than, if you don't want to talk to me anymore you dont gotta 

This was bad. Very bad. Liam used to have a different best friend back when he lived in Wolverhampton who suddenly just stopped talking to him one day. It was due to how much Liam was being bullied, his friend wanted no part of it. Niall felt terrible, what if Liam thought Niall was just avoiding him now? what if he felt a little depressed now? 

To Liam: hi Liam

From Liam: oh my god! Niall, hello hi how are you what happened? why weren't you at school on Monday or Tuesday? I was all alone :(

To Liam: It's a long story, I'll tell you tomorrow at free period. I'm sorry that I left you all alone but once you know why I wasn't there, you'll understand 

From Liam: okay, see you tomorrow Nialler

Niall sighed and turned over onto his back, staring up at his ceiling which only looked like complete darkness. He couldn't tell Liam that vampires were real, he'd put him in danger. Just like Louis had said, not even Niall was supposed to know about vampires. He would just have to make something up and hope it didn't back fire later.

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