Chapter 26

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As soon as Niall awoke he felt an almost, burning sensation, in his throat. He must have fell asleep next to Harry, speaking of which, where was the curly haired boy?

Niall propped himself up on his elbows as he gazed around the seemingly vacant room, Harry was definitely gone. The blond slung his legs over the side of the bed and got to his feet.

He stumbled, feeling a new sensation in his legs as he tumbled against the wall, a picture frame plummeting to the floor beside him.

"Niall? What are you doing?" Harry asked as he stepped into the room, striding over to his boyfriend and embracing him. "you should be in bed."

"I'm thirsty, Harry. I want to go outside." Niall stated as he tugged out of Harry's hug and headed for the door, walking out with a twist of the doornob.

Harry jogged up to his side and beat him downstairs, flashing away as soon as he reached the bottom. How did he do that? Niall had been wondering how the vampires around him knew how to run or fly or whatever they did at such an incredible speed.

Just as the Irish lad met the last stair, Harry stood in front of him, an identical cup to the one Louis gave him the previous night in his hand. He grinned and placed it in Niall's hand.

He lifted the cup to his mouth, gulping down the thick liquid as he listened to Harry's chuckling. "what's so funny?" Niall asked whenever he completely dominated the cup.

"babies are just so cute." Harry giggled as he tapped Niall's nose and turned on his heels, heading for the front door.

Babies? Niall wasn't a baby. He was a teenager, why would his boyfriend call him a baby? He huffed and followed the curly haired lad. As soon as he stepped outside, his eyes squinted and he covered his ears.

Harry turned to Niall and extended his arm to rest a hand on his back. "Ni, you're only hearing the environment. It's okay love, let your eyes adjust to the brightness."

The noises were so loud they almost boomed, he could hear everything from more than a mile away. Swishing of a stream, the constant singing of early morning birds, cars that passed along the road behind the woods, everything.

Niall steadily unclamped his ears and blinked as he studied everything around him, his vision was so clear. Harry watched with a careful eye as he took his lover's hand and began leading him down the gravel pathway that separated the yard from the woods.

It seemed as though that was where they were heading, Niall turned his head to look at everything and anything worth interest around him as they entered the forest of trees and plant life.

Harry continued dragging the blond along until they were in the middle of the woods. He let go of his hand and took a good few steps back, admiring the newborn in front of him.

Niall directed his attention to the clouds, allowing his eyes to wander to the tops of the trees and slide down their trunks. Everything just seemed so beautiful, though the thirst was beginning to scratch at the back of his throat.

"my little vampire." Harry murmured, a smirk lighting up his young features.

Niall turned to the brunette and giggled. "I guess so, huh?"

"Mhm." Harry hummed and stepped closer to him, curling his arms around him as he met his lips.
Niall smiled, his eyes fluttering to a close as his and Harry's lips glided effortlessly together, sending chills up and down the blond's spine. He felt Harry push and pin him into what he guessed to be a tree, allowing him to unbuckle his belt.

Surprisingly, Niall's head was clear. He knew exactly what he wanted as he grabbed a handful of Harry's shirt, they broke the kiss in order to get the piece of clothing over Harry's head and then the loudest sound known to mankind echoed throughout the woods, at least, that's what it sounded like to Niall.

Harry stepped away from his boyfriend and scanned his surroundings frantically. "Shit, shit shit. They fucking found you Niall!" He turned and darted for the house.

Confusion filled Niall's thoughts, who had found him? He shook his head as he dropped Harry's shirt and ran after him. "Harry! who? who are you talking about?" Niall called ahead of him.

Harry slowed to a stop and he realized how much it seemed like he was running from Niall, turning to him and hugging him tightly as the blond reached him. "I'm gonna find you Niall, I promise. We're gonna get married one day, I promise."

"Harry please tell me what's goin' on." Niall squeezed his boyfriend tightly, tears beginning to roll off his cheeks.

Harry met his gaze with the young vampire and ran a couple of fingers through his fluffy hair. "sweetheart, the police are here."

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