Chapter 27

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Sweetheart, the police are here.

Those three terrifying words were currently screaming in Niall's mind, he felt himself beginning to fall. Darkness became his reality, and soon enough he was unconscious.

Unconsciousness was something truly terrible, he couldn't move. He couldn't think nor know what was going on in the world around him. Whenever he began to wake, the voices were muffled, as if losing consciousness effected his ears. His precious hearing.

The texture of what he was laying on felt all too familiar, he was in a car. Not just any car either. He slid his arms underneath his body and pushed against his own body weight to adjust himself into a sitting position.

"Oh, he's awake. Don't worry son, we got you out of there." A strong southern accented voice reassured. But Niall didn't feel one ounce of reassurance.

He was in a police car, with two police officers, and he felt sick to his stomach. "N-No, take me back." His throat burned, more than it ever had before.

"back? Lad, what did they do to your head? Don't worry we're taking you home, your mother is worried sick." This time it was an Irish accent, the driver. He met Niall's stare in the mirror as the police car came to a stop at a red light.

Niall shook his head, "where's Harry? where's Louis and Liam? Eleanor, my sister and Zayn? Where are they?!" He demanded, grasping the thin layer of cage that separated the back seats from the front so that criminals couldn't injure the cops.

"hey, calm down, they're back in Wolverhampton, they were all taken back to the police department for questioning. Speaking of which, how did all of this happen?" The southern guy was speaking again, turned to the side to see Niall.

Niall let go of the caging, leaning back against the seat as he drew in a deep breath. He started gathering what happened, did Harry fight for him? Did Marleigh cry? Did they show any amount of concern?

"son, speak to me." The officer's voice boomed, breaking Niall from his thoughts. The man was chubby, wearing a Wolverhampton police department outfit. He held a pen and notepad in his hand and his gaze wouldn't leave Niall's face.

"give him time, he's probably been through a lot." The driver informed his partner, this man was older, he had white hair and wrinkles. His eyes looked green, and that's all Niall noticed.

The blond took in a shaky breath, scooting over until he hit the door on the driver's side. He looked out of the window and took in the environment, trees, big beautiful trees and small houses rested along rolling hills. It looked peaceful, a place to raise a family.

"u-uh, none of this was Harry's fault. None of it." Niall said, slowly pressing his hand against the icy cold window. "I wanted to come with him, I love him." He directed his attention to the chubby younger officer.

The officer seemed to stare at the blond before scribbling something down. "Alright, we found this while we were gathering your things." He reached in the pocket on his shirt and pulled out his lighter. Harry's lighter. "Is it yours?"

Niall was quick to nod. "yes sir, that's mine, give it to me please."

The man nodded, slipping the small thing between a hole in the separater, Niall lunged and caught it before it could hit the floorboard. "Wow, fast reflexes kid." The officer complimented.

Niall shrugged, too distracted by the lighter to care. Without thought, he lit it, and the car screeched to a stop. The driver got out and opened the door to Niall's side, grabbing a handful of his blond hair and yanking him from the seat, out onto the pavement.

Pain exploded throughout Niall's back, soon accompanied by numbness. "let go, please. Let go!" He yelled, struggling and twisting under the officer's hand. His hair was incredibly sensitive, and being a vampire didn't change that.

The officer snatched the lighter and let go of Niall. "Stand up boy, don't ever attempt to hurt a police officer!"

"but I wasn't!-"

"shut up! I said stand up." The officer Niall had thought to he the good cop's voice yelled. The blond jumped up, rubbing his back the best he could reach.

"now turn and walk, officer Dudley here is going to take you to that gas station there for a bathroom break." He pointed to a gas station a good amount of feet away. "Don't try anything."

The chubby officer jogged around to Niall's side, grasping his arm and beginning to lead him along the road. "I thought I was the fucking victim." The Irish lad mumbled, earning a chuckle from the officer.

"victim or not, you can't start a fire in a police car." Officer Dudley informed.

Once they reached the gas station the officer's breathing had grown heavy, he let go of Niall's arm and shoved him towards the restroom.

Niall stumbled over his own two feet, falling against the graffiti marked wall before he could fall completely. Why were they being so mean to him? He did nothing wrong in his eyes. He just wanted to see the flame.

He walked into the bathroom, examining the disgusting concrete surrounding area. The mirrors were shattered but still clung to the wall, doorless stalls portrayed an unwelcome feeling.

He shivered, he wouldn't be using the bathroom here. The burning in his throat was growing worse and worse with each passing second but he'd been so worried about Harry and his friends to acknowledge it before now.

Niall stood in front of a mirror, a crack making it look as though his face was split into. His appearance was sloppy, he needed a shower and a comb. But mostly, he needed his lover.

He needed Harry. He needed his touch, his kisses and his hugs. He'd do anything to smell his individual scent at the moment. Peppermint. The time in the bathroom must have passed faster than he thought, because before he knew it the officer was standing in the doorway.

"let's speed this up kid." He spoke, Niall winced from the echo that the bathroom walls caused and to him it sounded like the man had been speaking into four microphones, falling to the floor.

The officer raced over to him, going straight to his strongest pulse point. A growl erupted from Niall's throat, he felt his razor sharp fangs slicing through his gums, and blood filled the scleras of his eyes.

He looked up at the officer and flashed a smirk, leaping onto him. Niall grabbed the man's wrists and held him to the floor as his fangs tore through the first barrier of skin in the officer's neck.

All Niall could do was gulp down thick portions of blood, even after he could no longer hear the officer's heartbeat.

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