Chapter 11

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A pale moon had began to appear behind smoky clouds, indicating that it would be getting dark soon. Harry didn't notice, lost in Niall's arms. He loved the way it felt to have Niall's hands resting lightly against his back and his small arms wrapped securely around Harry's stomach.

He had to admit, he was falling for Niall. What was there not to love about him? Harry adored his blond hair and blue eyes, not just any old blue, sea blue.

Of course he thought Niall looked good but his personality contributes very largely to why Harry likes him.

"Harry, how would you define love?" Niall suddenly asked. His arms still curled around Harry's stomach, causing him to strain his neck to look at Harry.

What a random question.

Harry looked at Niall, contemplating on the question for at least a minute. "well," he started and paused for a couple of seconds. "love is not only one thing. It's passionate, it's an unconditional commitment. Love means that differences can be worked out, I think everyone has their own definition for love, but most of all to me, it's a promise."

Harry didn't seem to be talking to Niall anymore. Just simply staring into the ocean below. They weren't hugging anymore, had slowly let go of each other during Harry's little speech.

Finally after a good five minutes, Niall spoke. "I really like that explanation,"

"thanks, what about you Niall? How would you define love?" Harry asked, slowly turning his head to look at the blond again.

The blond chuckled nervously "well, love is many things to me. A lot of people think that you're supposed to love according to society, uh rules."

He looked at Harry to make sure he was listening. Harry was smiling pleasantly, sure enough, listening. "but I think it doesn't matter how you love, or who you love, just if you're happy. Like for me, I personally fall in love with the person, not their gender. So love to me is, free and it's an adventure." Niall smiled

Harry smiled too, causing his dimples to appear "that's sweet. You want me to show you what I think about love?"

The blond nodded unknowingly and next thing he knew, Harry's lips were pressed up against his. Niall instantly kissed him back.

The warmth of Harry's mouth sent a current running through his body. Niall threw his arms around Harry's neck as he lost himself in his soft lips and peppermint breath.

And just like that the kiss had ended. Niall became aware of his surroundings but he neglected to pull his arms away from his crush's neck. He wanted to stay like that forever, his and Harry's foreheads meeting against each other ever so lightly.

"I wasn't expecting that." Niall chuckled awkwardly, his once pale face now a blazing shade of red

Harry couldn't help but to laugh lightly "I couldn't resist. You were just teasing me, talking about love and such."

"touché." Niall smiled pleasantly.

Harry looked at Niall and tilted his head, the same adorable way as before "can this mean, we're y-you know, uhm..." his eyes fell to the solid rock below him, it was his turn to blush.

The blond couldn't believe it. Harry was all choked up, choked up while asking him if they could be together. "I'd love to be your boyfriend, Harry."

Harry responded with a cheeky grin and their lips collided again, this kiss lasting much longer. Their noses brushed against each other as their lips glided effortlessly together.

Niall could feel the smoothness of Harry's lips, slowly bringing his hand up to the back of his head and running his fingers through his curly hair.

Harry drew Niall closer and they kissed, just kissed, getting lost in each other's feelings and scents, tastes. Harry tasted of peppermint and Niall strongly cinnamon.

As Niall broke the kiss he breathed in a good breath, his eyes fluttering open to see Harry, his boyfriend, eyes closed in pleasure that still lingered on his lips from the kiss.

Niall noticed something new about Harry. He had a little scar that went down the bridge of his nose. He wondered how he got it.

His wonders and thoughts were interrupted by Harry's rough, yet attractive voice that scent shivers down his spine. "You're a brilliant kisser,"

"you too, love." Niall smiled and let Harry draw him near, pulling him effortlessly into his lap and hugging him protectively around his small belly.

"we must keep this a secret though, just until I can figure out how to tell my dad. He doesn't like that I'm bi, I can't imagine how he'd react to me dating a human, not that there's anything wrong with humans, he just doesn't like them." Harry said

The blond nodded "I understand, do you think you could take me home now though, it's dark."

Harry looked at the moon which casted a ray of light over everything it could reach, he grinned. "Yeah, just let me hold you for five more minutes"

Niall smiled as he slowly laid his head against Harry's chest, listening intently for his heartbeat until he remembered, he didn't have one.

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