Chapter 2

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Thank God Niall's first day of school had been on a Friday. Him and Liam had ended up exchanging numbers and Niall was now sitting on his well made bed, texting his new friend. He learned a lot about Liam over the past night via text message. 

Liam was born in England and had lived in Wolverhampton up until the age of fourteen due to the same problems Niall faced in Ireland. Bullying. But it wasn't because of his sexuality. Everyone just didn't like him which Niall didn't understand since Liam was such a nice person.

He moved to Cheshire, just like Niall in hopes for a better start and he ended up getting it. No one really messed with Liam anymore since he kept his past a secret. 

 From Liam:  Hey, are you doing anything later tonight?

To Liam:  Didn't really have anything planned 

From Liam:  good. You and I are going to a party my friend 

To Liam:  A party? No thanks.

From Liam:  Aw come on Nialler, lover boy will be there ;)

Yes, Niall had ended up telling Liam all about his past. The fact that he was gay. What he felt when he looked at Harry and Harry looked at him the previous day at lunch.  He trusted Liam with all of his heart and he just hoped he wouldn't regret it.

To Liam:  that's why I'm not going. 

From Liam:  You're going

To Liam:  I'm not

From Liam:  haha, wanna bet?

To Liam:  please don't make me go :(

From Liam:  Pick you up at 6. 

Niall let out a long, dramatic sigh before standing up from his bed and walking over to his closet. It was five o'clock now so he didn't have very long to get dressed and picking out the right outfit felt like one of the biggest choices he could ever make. 

He spent about half an hour trying on different shirts, jeans, and shoes until he decided on a red and black plaid button up and dark blue jeans, also black converse because why not?

Right after he slid his left and final shoe on he heard a knock at the door and stood up before walking downstairs to answer it. He wasn't surprised when he saw Liam since he had announced he would be coming 

Liam looked Niall up then down as a smile formed on his face "you're gonna fit in perfectly around here. You look great."

Niall couldn't help but smile "you think so? I think I look horrible." he murmured insecurely. He had always been insecure about what he wore, especially when he knew people were silently judging him 

"you look great" Liam repeated with a cheeky grin "come on" he said and turned, walking to his car as he pulled his keys out of his pocket 

Niall watched him before turning his head up towards the stairs "I'm going out for a bit, mom!" he yelled and walked out before she could even respond. He walked to Liam's car and got in, fastening his seat belt 

"oh, so you don't trust me" Liam pouted as he began to pull out of Niall's driveway 

Niall laughed "I do, it's just always smart to wear a seat belt" 

"uh huh."

The drive was at least thirty minutes long and Niall had spent half of it talking to Liam and the other half staring out of the window as he thought. He thought about Harry. So what if he had never even spoken to the guy? It wouldn't change the fact that he had a massive crush on him 

The only things that worried him about Harry was his sexuality and personality. What if he really wasn't bisexual and the rumors were false? He could be one of the most straightest guys in Cheshire. Also, what would Niall do if Harry had a lousy attitude? Yeah he'd have the looks but personality meant most to Niall.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt the car stop and he looked out of the window, seeing teenagers that were walking to a massive house where music could easily be heard from the outside. He started to feel the same anxiety in his chest he felt the previous day.

"okay so here's the plan. You go find lover boy and I'm gonna go hang out with some girls." Liam said before he opened his door and stepped out of the car without even giving Niall a chance to respond.

Niall quickly opened his door before he could lose his new friend in a crowd of people. He ran up to his side and grabbed his wrist "Liam no."

"why? Something wrong with my plan?" Liam asked and looked at his friend with a hint of confusion in his eyes 

"Everything is wrong with your plan. I'm just going to wait in the car. Have fun, Liam." Niall mumbled and made his way through a group of teenagers before he got back into Liam's car. 

After about an hour of Niall sitting in complete and utter boredom in Liam's car he decided he could take a nap. Nothing bad could happen from inside a car and he hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night anyways. He propped himself up against the door, using his hands as a pillow against the cold window.

He was just about to doze off after pondering on whether or not he liked England when he heard a few knocks against the glass, guessing it was Liam as he raised his head sleepily and looked at.... Harry.

They stared at each other for at least a minute and Niall had begun to feel uncomfortable. He slowly put his hands against the window and Harry did the same, trying to fit his with Niall's. Okay now this was getting weird but in a good way.

Niall giggled and built up enough courage to stick his tongue out at Harry through the glass. A now smiling Harry, copied him and made Niall smile more. 

What was Harry doing? He had never even spoken to him and now they seemed like friends. Not that Niall was complaining. He found Harry completely adorable and mysterious in an attractive way. 

Harry pulled away from the window and walked to the back of the car, completely out of Niall's sight. Niall opened the door and stepped out as he began to walk around the car in circles, searching for his crush. 

He sighed and began to come to a conclusion that he imagined the whole thing. The adorable little show that felt so real was just a figment of his imagination. But that's when he noticed Harry, sitting against a tree on the other side of the yard.

Niall tried to play it cool and ended up looking more awkward than he should've. He stopped when he was in front of Harry who only stared up at him "uhm. Sorry if I sound crazy but were you just-uh... at that car over there?" Niall pointed to Liam's car

Harry nodded as a grin spread across his face. He stood up, towering over Niall "Yep. I was playing around with you." 

Of course. It was only a game. Niall looked up at Harry and took a step back well, good to know I'm not crazy he thought.

"I'm Harry Styles." Harry held his hand out and Niall grabbed his hand a bit too quickly, shaking slowly. Damn, his hands were cold.

"my names Niall" he forced himself to pull his hand away from Harry's, the coldness lingering on his palm and along his fingers 

Harry smiled "nice to meet you, Niall. I think we should hang out sometime." 

What was going on? Okay so first Harry caused a cute little scene while Niall was in Liam's car and now he was asking him out on a date. Well not technically a date, Harry had used the term hang out. Even if it was only hanging out, Niall still got the chance to be around his crush. 

"I'd love to." Niall grinned, his awkwardness seeming to slowly fade away for a minute 

"lovely" Harry commented before him and Niall chatted a bit more, exchanging numbers. Niall had Harry Styles' number and was going to hang out with him.

Maybe going to the party wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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