Chapter 29

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Niall bit his lip, his heart would have been racing if he was even alive. This was a familiar type of nervousness. But he rarely even experienced it.

He felt Harry's hand tighten around his as the door swung open, Maura's eyes danced from Harry's face to Niall's. An expression of confusion and happiness spreading along her face.

All of a sudden, she was hugging Niall, forcing him to release his boyfriend who awkwardly stepped to the side, allowing mother and son time. Niall breathed in his mom's perfume, earning a sigh.

He did miss her. He missed her a lot. Her hair, her warm hugs and gentle kisses. Not to mention her worrying, he couldn't even believe he missed that.

"My baby is back. What happened? did someone hurt you at all sweetheart?" His mom looked at him, she had tears welling up in her eyes. Typical Maura Horan, but Niall felt horrible. There was no telling how much she had cried over him.

Niall shook his head and broke into a chuckle. "I'm fine mum, I really am. Not hurt at all, Harry here brought me home." He informed, gesturing towards the curly haired lad who waved and portrayed a cheeky smile.

His mother couldn't stop smiling, she pressed a thankful kiss to Harry's cheek. "I can't thank you enough for bringing him back home to us. I don't know what I would have done if something bad had happened to him."

Harry grinned. "It was no problem ma'am, Niall is a very close friend of mine. I honestly don't want to see myself without him."

Thank god Harry took Niall's anxiety about coming out to his mother in consideration. He was still very nervous about it, being a vampire didn't make him fearless.

He couldn't help but feel special inside. His mother truly cared about him and so did Harry. He knew Liam did too, and Zayn. Louis, Eleanor, and Marleigh. Marleigh.

Niall wondered if he should bring her up, but how would he explain knowing about her? 'oh, my boyfriend and his family of vampires found her and told me her story' , not happening.

Maura smiled, she wiped at the tears in her eyes and chuckled. "Well thank you love, again. How about you come in for a glass of lemonade?" She offered, Harry gladly nodded and stepped inside.

Niall trailed behind him, watching as his boyfriend inspected the pictures on the walls. Harry occasionally chuckled at photos of Niall whenever he was a child and had brunette hair. It had just occurred to the blond that it was the first time Harry really got to look around.

He had snuck in that one night, but neglected the chance to look at the pictures scattered throughout the fairly sized house. The old antiques his mother kept for some odd reason Niall felt like he would never understand.

Just everything, and he couldn't have been more happy watching the love of his life curiously wander around his home.

Maura took the lead and brought the two lads into the kitchen. It, out of any other part of the house Niall had seen so far, was by far the cleanest. She stepped over to the fridge and poured two tall glasses of her legendary strawberry lemonade.

Niall happily took his, sliding his fingers around the cool glass and beginning to gradually sip at his drink. It brought back memories, the good ones.

He watched as Harry gulped down the whole cup in under a minute, this earned a chuckle from Niall's mother. "would you like more love?" She asked softly.

Harry nodded eagerly, it seemed as though he liked his mom's strawberry lemonade more than blood. "Yes please,"

Maura was more than grateful to Harry for bringing Niall home, she began refilling his glass. "so Niall, do you think you feel comfortable with talking about what all happened?" Her eyes found her son.

Niall thought for a brief moment. He needed time to construct a fake story, yes, he would lie to his mom. But this was one of those times when he had no other choice. "actually, I just want to rest. It's been a long past couple of weeks. I'd like Harry to stay, though."

His mother nodded, she handed Harry his refilled glass and pulled the blond into a hug. Niall felt himself calm as she stroked his cheek. "alright Ni, but please come to me once you feel comfortable with telling me. By the way, Gabe will be home at around dinner. He'll be thrilled to see you."

What? Gabe would be happy to see him? He would have to see it to believe it. Niall tugged out of the hug and grabbed Harry around the wrist, guiding him upstairs.

As soon as they reached his room, he shut and locked the door. Finally, he was home and his mom wasn't mad, nor exploding into tears. The only person left to worry about was Gabe.

Harry set his glass on Niall's dresser, stepping up behind the blond and sliding his arms around his stomach. He rested his chin on his shoulder, then nuzzled the tip of his nose against his neck.

Niall released a breath, leaning back into his lover's touch. Harry was like no guy he'd met before. He was considerate, caring and not to mention, he was a fucking vampire.

He just couldn't fathom it, how did he end up being so lucky?

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