Chapter 19

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After awhile Harry finally decided to go outside for a reason Niall had no clue about. He got up from the couch, slowly making his way to the door and stepping outside.

As soon as he shut the door the musty smell of cigarette smoke entered his nose.

It burned his nostrils and nearly made his eyes water. He jogged down the steps and found where the horrendous smell was coming from.


"Harry? you smoke?" Niall asked quite loudly.

Harry seemed to jump at his boyfriend's voice, slowly turning to face him "uhm.. yeah.. I was going to tell you but I was afraid that you would hate me.."

Niall could practically hear the shame in Harry's voice. "Aw, Harry, I would never hate you."

He walked over and sat beside the curly haired lad, who seemed surprised with Niall's response.

"so we can still be.. boyfriends?" Harry asked slowly, raising his hand up to his mouth as he slid a lit cigarette in between his lips.

Niall nodded. "Of course Haz, I'm just a bit disappointed."

He really was. Did Harry seriously think he would break up with him for something as petty as smoking? He loved Harry. And he forgave him. So everything would be okay.

After a good five minutes of silence, other than the sound of Harry blowing his smoke, Niall finally spoke up. "is it.. good?"

Harry shrugged, sucking in a deep breath of nicotine before speaking. "I wouldn't say it's good, it's more like a reward. And it's fun. And it makes me feel okay."

"how can the destruction of your lungs feel okay?" Niall asked.

"I try not to think about that." Harry said


"yes Niall?"

"can I try one?"

"no Niall."


"I don't want you to get addicted. It's a bad habit that I don't need you to follow."

"okay Harry."

Harry nodded and flung the little bit of cigarette he had left into the bushes. Niall was worried it would catch a fire but Harry reassured him that it wouldn't.

"Hey Niall, I want you to have my lighter." Harry said, holding the small piece of plastic out towards the blond.

Niall took it between his fingers slowly, scanning over the words that were printed along the side in big, facy letters.

We only breathe for so long.

"that's a bit ironic." The Irish lad said, turning his gaze to Harry.

Harry shrugged his shoulders and grinned "I guess that's the point, huh?"

Niall thought about it for a second and nodded his head "thanks Hazza." He smiled.

"no problem, I wanted you to have a part of me when we aren't together in school."


"yeah, we still have to go to school Niall. Well, you do..." He laughed. "but I'm not leaving you alone in Wolverhampton."

Niall nodded even though it wasn't okay. He was going to be new again. He could already feel the anxiety squeezing at his chest.

What if people bullied him here? Or worse, Liam? What if everyone hated him? What if Harry wasn't in any of his classes with him and he was all alone?

There were too many 'what ifs' and no answers. He needed answers and he needed them now. He could feel his hands begin to shake, squeezing Harry's lighter tightly in his fingers.

Harry noticed this. He pulled himself to Niall and slid his arms securely around his stomach, pulling him up into his lap.

He buried his face in his fluffy blond hair and pressed his lips against his head "it'll be okay." He whispered reassuringly.

Niall slowly buried the side of his pale face in Harry's chest, getting lost in his smell.

God, was he thankful for Harry. He would be lost without him, still in Cheshire, continuing the endless everyday cycle that was his life.

But with Harry, every day was an adventure. Every day had a meaning, and Niall felt as if he finally had a purpose.

For once he realized, he was glad he moved away from Ireland. Even though he loved the place and it was probably the largest part of his heredity, he was glad he got away.

Soon enough his carousel of thoughts halted. Every idea, notion, aspect of the day replayed itself in his mind until the carousel came to a stop and he found him drifting off.

The last thing he remembered was Harry whispering sweet things to him and he fell into the peace that was sleep.

Author's Note:
I decided to start my Elounor story and updates for that will be every Saturday or Sunday.
Thanks! :3

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