Chapter 24

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"u-uhm, yeah.. this seat is totally and completely reserved." Niall managed to utter without screaming bloody murder. 

The guy rose an eyebrow, his grin flattened. "You know, it isn't particularly smart to lie to a vampire." And with that, he took the seat.

Liam's nose continued to stay scrunched, by what seemed to be this guy's scent. "And it isn't particularly smart to scare an innocent lad whose best friend just so happens to be a werewolf. Not to mention, he's in a very serious relationship with Harry Styles."

This caught the dude's attention, both eyebrows lifted in surprise now. "Harry Styles.. he's here?"

"Yep." Liam stated coolly as he folded his arms over his broad chest.

"Well, I ain't scared of em. I'm Carter, strongest vamp around." Carter smirked, looking pretty proud with himself.

Niall looked from Liam to Carter, his nerves beginning to soothe. "Okay, um it's nice to meet you I guess.. I'm Niall."

This earned a poke in the ribs from Liam whose glare was as threatening as a hawk's at the moment. "Shut up Ni."

"pleasure to meet ya, Niall. So you new around here?" Carter asked.

A frustrated growl erupted quietly from Liam's throat. "Whatever, have fun with Dracula Niall, I'm going to the bathroom." He got up and began making his way out of the lunchroom before Niall even had the chance to respond.

Niall's eyes simply followed his best friend until they couldn't anymore. He turned his head back to look at Carter. "actually, yeah. But I'm probably not staying for the rest of highschool, this is all just temporary."

Carter nodded, his eyes studying Niall up and down. "Hey.. I want to show you something."

Niall leaned back, contemplating on the offer. There were good vampires, not all of them were bad.. right? Harry wasn't bad. Or Louis.

So, due to Niall's trusting personality, he nodded. "Okay, but can we get back before class?"

"Sure thing." The darker haired boy grinned and held out an inviting hand, which Niall took and Carter intertwined their fingers.

A feeling of guilt exploded in Niall's chest, beginning to move to his limps. This resulted in a sudden chill, sprouting little bumps along his arms and legs that he usually got whenever he was nervous.

Before the blond had a chance to protest Carter lead him out of the cafeteria, pulling him down a hall until they reached a big, yellow painted set of doors.

He opened one door with a push, leading Niall to what seemed like a gym. The lighting was poor and they were utterly alone.

Just as Niall began to open his mouth to ask why Carter had brought him there, the darker haired lad shoved him against the cold brick wall.

He slammed his hands on the wall on either side of him, leaning in close enough that Niall could practically taste what he consumed for lunch.

At this point, the blond was shaking uncontrollably. Why did he trust this guy? Harry had informed him to be careful and he did exactly the opposite. "Car-Carter, what are y-you doing?"

Carter grinned, showing off his blood stained fangs that looked so sharp that they could cut through a cinder block. "You should really learn not to trust a vampire."

He ran his lips along Niall's neck, causing a shiver throughout the blond's body. Carter split his lips once more to deliver one fatal whisper. "Where's Harry to save you now, hm?"

A sharp pain exploded throughout Niall's neck, and just like that; Carter was gone.

Niall sucked in raggid breaths, a rush of cold incasing his lungs as he slid to the floor. The realization that he'd gotten bitten had yet to hit him.

His heartbeat hammered terrifyingly on the inside of his head, each thump making him wince until finally, there were no more thumps.

He could hear the cars that passed on the outside of the school, the constant ticking sound of a clock located somewhere in the changing rooms. Everything was so loud, so vivid.

Thirsty. He was thirsty. His throat felt as if he hadn't drunken anything in days, just as he attempted to push himself up a hand forced him back down.

"Calm down, it's okay." A familiar voice whispered, the world began to fade around him.

He felt burning hot arms curl around him and drag him into an even hotter place that seemed to be this guy's chest.

"Who bit you? Ni, where's Harry?" Before the blond could open his mouth to answer, the world went black and he realized. The guy was Zayn.

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