Chapter 28

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The taste was much more than what had been in the Styrofoam cups. Warmer, much thicker liquid ran down his parched throat. Niall could only assume the previous blood he'd been feeding off of wasn't human.

He willed himself to pull away, shuffling up to his feet as he stared down at the dead officer in front of him. He was a murderer. A killer. Some may even say, monster.

Blood stained his plump, fairly colored lips and dripped down his chin, he couldn't face the remaining officer like this. What would he even say about Officer Dudley's sudden disappearance if he were to hide the body?

Hundreds of thoughts about diverse topics raced his mind, until a very familiar voice pulled him out of it. He turned on his heels, and facing him in the doorway was Harry.

Niall stepped over the deceased officer as he held his hands to his chest, he killed a human, how would Harry still look at him the same?

He'd expected him to scold him, yell at him and lecture him about how bad it was to kill people. He wouldn't have ever expected Harry to hug him.

It was the type of hug that made him forget where they were, feeling his boyfriend's hands glide effortlessly along his back sent him to a place of relaxation.

"I killed him Harry." Niall spoke.

Harry shook his head, meeting the blond's gaze. "you had to, if not you may have died." He informed softly.

"Where are the others?" The Irish lad asked.

"heading back to Cheshire, I'm taking you to Holmes Chapel. The officer is taken care of, come on love." Harry answered and pecked Niall's forehead, caressing his ice cold cheek before walking outside.

Niall followed closely, everyone was okay. No one had died due to him and he couldn't have felt any happier.

He pulled the handle to Harry's range rover and slid into the passenger seat, a relief-filled sigh escaping his lips as he leaned back into the seat.

Before he knew it, they were entering Cheshire. Niall watched in awe as large buildings and trees flashed by, he lived in such a beautiful place.

He couldn't help but wonder what happened to the older officer, if Harry had killed him or threatened to take his life. Another thing that pondered his mind was his mom.

How was she going to react? Would she cry? Scream? Bat him over the head for running away with a complete stranger, well, Harry was only a stranger to his mom and step dad.

Oh god, his step dad. He would be infuriated, the officer had to be lying whenever he said Gabe was actually worried about him. He had to bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing.

He was dragged out of his thoughts by Harry's warm hand against his shoulder, giving him a little shake.

Niall turned his head to look at Harry, the curly haired lad chuckled as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. Where had he gotten something like that? Niall couldn't help but wonder.

He allowed his boyfriend to scrub at the stains that claimed his lips and chin, staring straight into his eyes throughout the whole process. Harry had really pretty almost emerald eyes, but most would refer to it as green.

The older vampire grinned as he drew closer to Niall and planted a line of kisses along his jaw line, arms sliding around his the small frame of his lover.

Niall gasped at the sudden sensation in such a different place, running his fingers through Harry's curls as his eyes fluttered to a close.

Just as he began thinking it was the time, Harry pulled away. He flashed his pearly whites and hopped out of the car. 'what a tease' Niall thought to himself and stepped out of the car, onto a patch of overgrown grass.

They were at his new house, well, it wasn't very new anymore. The yard was in desperate need for a cutting, his step dad's precious car could've used a good washing. Thought to everything important had been neglected by his mom and step dad.

Suddenly Harry was at his side, grasping his hand as he intertwined their fingers. Niall seriously had to ask him how the whole super speed thing worked whenever he had a chance.

He breathed a nervous sigh and Harry nuzzled his cheek. "it's going to be alright Nialler, we'll do this together."

Niall nodded, oh was he thankful for Harry. A truly great guy, inside and out. They stepped up the wooden steps together, Harry wouldn't leave Niall's side if his life depended on it.

The blond sighed as he extended and arm, and knocked on the door to his home.

Author's Note:
Hello, I'm terribly sorry for the late update. Friday I was so tired that I couldn't have even attempted to update, then Saturday I went swimming and stayed the night at my cousin's, by the time she went to bed I was exhausted. So now, it's Sunday night and I feel like this isn't a good chapter, I'm sorry, maybe you like it and I'm just beating myself down but most the time I'm right whenever I think I did something without putting forth my best effort, just been very tired lately but here's your chapter! :) Thanks!

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