Chapter 18

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When Niall got back to the house he was completely exhausted from the walk. He never really was the type to work out but managed to look considerably fit.

He walked inside only to take a step back as the most wonderful smell flooded his nose. His stomach rumbled, indicating that it wanted food.

what is that amazing smell? He wondered to himself and followed his nose to the kitchen. Having to take in a deep breath as he saw Harry's exposed chest.

"oh, hey Ni." Harry grinned and walked over to his boyfriend.

Niall didn't reply, too mesmerized by the curly haired lad's muscular torso.

Harry chuckled and waved a hand in front of Niall's face "I'm not that hot am I?" He laughed

The blond laughed, a blush spreading over his pale face. "Someone's a bit full of himself"

"am not." Harry pouted

"are so." Niall shot back, making his boyfriend grin.

Harry pulled Niall into his chest, planting a soft kiss on top of his head.

The Irish boy smiled and breathed in the scent that was Harry. He thought he could survive on nothing but that smell if he had to.

"Are you cooking something?"

"I am."

"for me?"

"Yes, for you Nialler." Harry chuckled again.

Niall grinned widely. "what is it?"

"you'll have to wait and see." Was Harry's response.

Not even five minutes had passed before a loud ding sounded from the oven, causing Harry to pull away from Niall and walk over to the oven.

Niall frowned. He didn't want his boyfriend to let go. It was such a comforting hug and Harry was way warmer than Niall would've expected.

He wondered why. Liam was very warm and that was understandable because he was a werewolf but weren't vampires supposed to be cold? At least that's what Niall had always heard.

He was pulled away from his thoughts by his boyfriend's attractive voice calling him to dinner.

The meal was delicious. They'd eaten steak and steamed vegetables. Of course Harry's steak was a bit bloody for Niall's taste, almost repulsive but he wouldn't dare say anything.

Harry was a vampire after all.

The next thing Niall knew, he was curled up next to him on the couch. They shared a blanket but the blond hogged most of it. Harry didn't seem to mind.

Harry flipped through different channels, trying to find something romantic for them to watch.

"hey, Harry?"


"why are you warm? I'm not complaining but aren't vampires supposed to be like, ice cold?"

"Well, some vampires are warm and some aren't. I don't know why but I personally believe it's based on personality."

"so... nice person equals warm and mean person equals cold?" Niall asked.

Harry looked at his little leprechaun and nodded. "Yep, bub."

Niall shivered at the new pet name. Bub. That's adorable.

They settled on The Hunger Games which wasn't really romantic but Niall hadn't seen it yet and Harry practically begged him to try it, lecturing him about how it was based off of a book and how much he loved the series in between commercials.

Niall didn't mind how much his boyfriend talked. He loved hearing Harry's seductive voice. Well, seductive in his opinion.

They sat quietly through the movie, talking during the commercials, and cuddling through it all.

Just as the credits started rolling down the screen, Louis walked into the living room. "You guys watched a movie without me?!" Louis gasped, pretending to sound hurt.

Harry nodded. "The Hunger Games to be exact."

Niall grinned. "Harry cooked dinner for me"

"well it's good you two are happy together." Louis said. He sounded sincerely happy for them, really just thrilled that Harry was finally dating again.

Harry smiled, kissing Niall on the cheek lightly "he approves of you Bub." He whispered

Niall grinned, glad that Louis was happy for them. He didn't think him and Louis would be rivals from the beginning anyways.

"meanwhile," Louis started, plopping down beside Niall. "I think... I like Eleanor."

"you what?!" Harry practically yelled, earning a sharp 'Sshh!!' from his brother.

"Shush, I don't need the whole house knowing mate, especially her." Louis whisper-yelled

"right. I'm sorry. I'm not against it, just think about what dad would do to you if you were to date her." Harry spoke at a considerately low level.

The feathery haired boy nodded and sighed, burying his face in his shaking hands. It was obvious how much he was stressing over it.

Niall willed himself to pull away from Harry, turning to Louis as he pulled him into a tight hug.

"It'll be okay Lou. If you like her, you should tell her." The blond said

"but what about my da-"

"don't worry about your dad until you have to. She's all that matters right now so you have to act like it." Niall said.

Louis gave Niall a quick hug before standing up. "Thanks Niall" He smiled and walked out if the room.

Niall turned back to Harry, greeted with a rather large cheeky grin. He smiled at the appearance of his boyfriend's dimples.

"You're good at love advice, huh?" Harry asked

Niall shrugged. "Have to be with my mom. She always tries to set up dates for her and my step dad. So I help her with her hair and whenever he cancels, I'm there to give advice."

It was occurring to him how badly he missed his mom. He hadn't dared to turn his phone on ever since he left. What if she called the police? Even worse, cried?

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up at Harry, laying his hand on top of his softly.

"It's going to be okay Nialler." Harry whispered and Niall believed him.

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