Chapter 4

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The next few days of school went no better than the day Harry left Niall for some reason that the blonde still hadn't figured out.

He sat at his and Liam's lunch table, listening to his best friend ramble about some girl he liked which he didn't really care about.

It wasn't that he didn't find his best friend interesting. He just couldn't stop thinking about Harry. The curly haired dream boy only stared at Niall.

But not whenever he was paying attention and he was starting to get frustrated. He let out a long sigh, scratching the back of his neck as he glanced around the lunch room

"okay. I can see you do not find my life interesting." Liam said hopelessly

Niall turned his attention to him "no no no Liam... it's just-ugh... complicated" he covered his face with both of the pale hands of his

"are you still obsessing over Harry?" His best friend asked, sounding sincerely interested


"why? Nialler you deserve someone who would actually pay attention to you"

"because... Harry is Harry" Niall said dreamily, a smile playing on his lips

"you're hopeless" Liam commented before he stood, preparing to take his barely touched tray to the trashcans

Niall watched his best friend and let a long sigh escape his lips, it was going to be a long day.


The rest of the day went by slowly and painfully. Niall had been day dreaming in English class when he was called on to recite some poem he was supposed to read through for home work the previous night

But he ended up not doing his home work, resulting in a slow dreadful moment of humiliation.

Gabe had to work late so Niall had to walk home. Could this day get any better? His step father always waited until the last minute to tell him these things and this time was no exception.

The blonde walked pacefully down the sidewalk, admiring the city around him. He hadn't gotten a chance to look around Cheshire and it was truly a beautiful little place

Rain began to fall lightly, making Niall quicken his pace. He hated the rain and still had a couple more blocks to walk to get to his house

He stopped at an alley, thought on it then decided to take a short cut. He wasn't going to get showered on if he had anything to say about it

The alleys were probably the worst thing about Cheshire. They were long and dark. Not to mention the creepy graffiti covering the brick walls. Niall looked up at the paintings and could've swore he saw a naked graffiti lady wink at him.

He stopped and looked around, feeling his heart beat quicken as he listened to the silent sound of breathing mixed with the noise that the rain caused against cement

Suddenly he was pinned against the wall, quivering at what he saw holding him there.

It was a person but it had fangs. Red eyes. Skin as white as pearls. The thing's grip was tight and Niall felt as if his circulation was being cut off

"you're new here aren't you?" the girl asked, her voice sending shivers up Niall's spine

He stared at the girl "y-yes" he swallowed, his accent thickening

"where ya from?" the girl asked and squeezed Niall's arms

"Ire-Ireland" the blonde managed to choke

"you smell delicious, Ireland." Her lips curled into a smirk as she brought her mouth to his throat

Just as she was about to sink her fangs into Niall's neck, he felt her being yanked off of him. He willed himself to look and who, no what, he saw made his blood turn cold


His dream guy was standing right in front of him, holding the struggling girl by her neck as he stared at Niall

With those eyes. Those blood red eyes that could kill someone with one glance.

"look away." Warned the rough, yet attractive voice of Harry Styles.

Niall tore his eyes away from what was in front of him, almost gagging at the repulsive sound of snapping bone. The girl was at his feet and her head was twisted all the way around

This was too much. A vampire's head had been twisted in front of him and it was too much. He pushed himself off the wall and stumbled over the dead girl's body, everything beginning to look blurry, he heard Harry say something but didn't understand the words correctly.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and the next thing he saw was darkness.

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