Chapter 30

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One word to describe the rest of that night in Niall's opinion would have been; perfect. At dinner, his step father actually hugged him. Of course Niall felt rather uneasy at first, not expecting such a warm welcome home from Gabe.

After his mom's delectable cooking, Niall and Harry headed back up to his room where they cuddled. Harry left a line of love bites all along the blond's collar bone, and Niall gratefully repayed him with a passionate kiss.

But now, Niall sat at the far end of a large table in Mrs. Styles' dining room. He had thrown on a sweater, to cover his lover's attack from the previous night and a pair of ripped skinny jeans that Harry said he looked sexy in.

Niall couldn't imagine it, actually looking attractive in someone else's eyes. But that was the way his Hazza saw him.

The lad was surprised whenever his mother allowed him to leave the house, given the circumstances. Anne invited Niall over for brunch, the whole family took their places at the table, and a few chairs had been pulled up for Liam, Eleanor, and Zayn.

Marleigh seemed to be counted as a Styles now, but Niall didn't mind. He knew deep down his sister would always be Marleigh Horan. She sat next to Zayn, who was seated on the seat closest to Niall, other than Harry's chair of course.

Niall couldn't have felt any happier. The Styles family really admired him, which in his crystal blue eyes, was surprising. On his current vampire situation, Louis had handed him a cup of the metallic scented liquid as soon as he stepped foot in the house.

Anne said he was doing better than she expected for a newborn vampire, and he felt proud of that. Well, except for the little incident that took place at the gas station.

Just as Niall was beginning to ponder on the thought of Harry, Louis' voice entered the atmosphere and the whole table went silent. "there's something I, no Eleanor and I have to tell you guys,"

Niall watched Louis' trembling hand find Eleanor's, the girl buried in his side. He could tell, this was something either very good or really bad.

Mr. Styles sent a deadly glare Louis' way and the feathery haired lad only seemed to grow more confident. "Eleanor and I, are having a baby."

Silence. That's what filled the room, before Anne hopped up from her chair and skipped over to Eleanor. She embraced her, and the whole family cheered.

Niall grinned, clapping his hands together. Mr. Styles himself didn't seem too pleased about this, while everyone else got up and gathered around the couple, he stayed seated.
The blond felt happy for the two, a baby was something truly wonderful. Never was it a mistake, nor a burden. But he found himself grow curious over what species it would be.

He felt fingers loop around his and turned his head upwards, gazing at Harry. The curly haired boy pulled him up to his feet, and together they snuck out of the room.

A giggle escaped Niall's lips as they exited the dining room. "where are you taking me?"

"you'll find out." Harry winked and lead the lad outside, Niall gladly followed as they walked further and further away from the house. Until, they were in the woods.

A cheeky grinned spread across Harry's seemingly perfect face as he took a seat in the grass, patting the spot beside him. Niall grinned, positioning himself beside him.

He leaned against his boyfriend's shoulder and felt Harry's arm circle his waist. "why do you love me Niall?"

Why? There were millions of reasons why. So many that Niall couldn't explain them all, so, he decided to go with the best ones.

"That's a great question. I love you because you aren't like any other guy I've ever met. You accept me, flaws and all. You really love me and I can see it." Niall spoke, his eyes found the sky through branches above.

"why do you lo-" He began as he directed his gaze back to his lover and what he saw, would've made his heart skip a beat if it still worked.

Harry was holding a small box, a ring sparkled brightly from the sun above, and his grin had been replaced with a serious expression. "Niall James Horan, will you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?"

Niall nodded over and over, in fact, he couldn't stopped nodding. He felt tears slide down his cheeks as Harry tugged him into his chest and pressed a kiss into his blond hair.

Niall chuckled. "I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you more, Nialler." Harry responded cheekily.

He couldn't believe it. Harry had just proposed to him, he was going to marry him and they were going to smile and frown, cry and laugh for eternity.

Sure, it was a bit quick to propose after maybe a month or two but Harry didn't care. He loved Niall, and he knew Niall loved him. He knew what he wanted in life so he went for it as soon as possible, he went for Niall, and he got him.

It was strange to think how everything started, Niall had been the new boy, innocent and bashful. Harry, the mysterious, thought to be bisexual guy in highschool. And now Niall was a vampire.

He was a vampire, and he was going to marry the love of his life. Niall didn't consider this the end, no. This was just the beginning of his crazy rollercoaster called life with Harry Styles.

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