Chapter 20

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Author's Note:
sorry that I didn't update Friday or yesterday. I went to the movies on Friday after school so I didn't really have time and then yesterday I was just being lazy. Here's your chapter though.
P.s. I started another Narry story, there isn't a set update day for that.

When Niall woke he found himself in the same room he'd woken up in the previous morning. Harry must have put him there.

He slowly sits up and looks around quietly, a rather divine smell finding its way to his nose.

Curiosity shot through him and he jumped out of his now, messy bed. He ran a hand through his blond hair before walking out of the room and heading downstairs.

He expected to see Harry standing at the stove but instead, it was Louis.

"oh hiya Niall!" Louis chirped happily and turned away from his cooking.

Niall smiled at Louis' cheerful attitude "good morning Lou, what's the mood?"

"I asked Eleanor out and she said yes." Louis announced, practically bouncing up and down.

"that's great Louis." Niall smiled. He was really happy for Louis. The feathery haired lad deserved someone to make him happy and give him cuddles.

Louis nodded. "Yeah, Eleanor is really amazing. She's so funny and nice. And she cares about how I feel. Not to mention, she's gorgeous."

"sounds like you're in love." Niall spoke with a grin, eyeing the food Louis had been cooking.

The darker haired boy looked at Niall, his lips curled into a smirk. "hungry Niall?" He laughed.

"starving." The blond answered

"good, help me set the table." Louis said as he took a sizzling pan off of the stove, setting it in the sink.

Niall was quick to grab the plates. "Gladly. How many plates do we need?"

"just two. Everyone else is asleep so it'll be me and you."

"Okay." Niall grinned, knowing that meant more food for him. He made his way to the dining room and sat two plates on the table, along with silverware.

He took his seat next to Louis' chair and grinned, practically tasting the bacon.

Louis walked into the dining room and distributed the food evenly between his and Niall's plates before he took his seat.

"this looks delicious Louis. How did you learn how to cook like this?" Niall asked, already raising a full spoon to his lips.

Louis shrugged simply as he began eating "I cook for my mom all time."

Niall nodded and smiled, munching down on a piece of toast.


"yeah Lou?"

"Are you happy with Harry?"

"Of course I am."

"Good, I've never seen him like this. It's as if he's a puppy and you're his shiny new red ball."

"thanks, I guess." Niall chuckled.

Louis grinned. "Aye, it's a big brother thing. I have to make sure he's with the right person."

"He is, I would never hurt him. Emotionally or physically." The blond said.

"Promise?" Louis asked.

"Promise." Niall confirmed with a smile.

He honestly would never purposely harm Harry. Even if Harry were to hurt him, he'd forgive him because that's just the type of person he is.

The rest of breakfast was quiet, except for Louis' occasional big-brother questions that Niall was glad to answer.

From what Niall knew, he would be starting school again the next day and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that.

Sure, he'd have Harry and Louis and Liam and all of his other new friends. But that didn't change the fact that he was gay.

People don't just look at gay guys and think 'oh that's normal' and Niall knew he wouldn't be an exception. He was never an exception.

That became clear to him at his old school. The bullying was constant, non stop torment that became his life for those last few months of school.

He could still remember the names. Faggot, Disgusting, Sinful, Freak, Not normal. And many more. If being gay was any of those things, he was proud to be them.

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