Chapter 17

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"Yes, Niall?"

"Um, at my house, you said the reason for us leaving Cheshire was because of some guy. Who... who is he?"

Harry allowed a rather dramatic sigh escape his lips. "Do you really want to know?"

Niall nodded in response, curiosity locked in his gaze.

"okay, well. He was a vampire, like myself. We were really happy together but he started to change." Harry said

"change how?" Niall asked curiously

"He began to hit me. It started only when he got mad at me. Typically for not doing what he wanted. But it progressed into an every day thing until I decided I had enough." The curly haired boy murmured lowly, his voice cracking occasionally in between words. As if he was going to cry.

Niall had never seen Harry like this. He slid his arms around his stomach and hugged him tight. Not tight enough to hurt, just tight enough to be comforting.

"I'm sorry, Hazza. I shouldn't have asked."

"i-it's fine, I'm fine. I'm going to go see if Louis is awake, I need to talk to him." Harry rambled, pulling away from Niall and stumbling away from the bed.

He stopped just as he reached the door. "can we... cuddle some more later?" He turned to Niall with sad, puppy dog eyes.

Niall nodded. How could he resist puppy dog eyes? "of course, love."

"Okay, I love you Niall..." Harry smiled weakly and stepped out of the room.

Niall sighed, Harry was hurting. His Hazza was in pain and there was nothing he could do about it. Just the thought of some cruel guy hurting Harry infuriated him.

Harry was gentle. He was sweet, caring, and loving. Not to mention his adorableness. Why would anyone want to hurt him? Niall couldn't quite fathom it.

The blond decided to get out of bed and go outside. It was the perfect time since Harry needed alone time right now. Yes, he knew he wasn't really going to talk to Louis.

He walked out of the room and made his way downstairs. Grabbing one of Harry's coats from a rack at the door.

He slid his arms into the warm jacket, Harry's smell literally drowning his nose. Which he didn't mind at all.

Niall walked out of the house and started towards a stream he noticed earlier through the big window in his room. He stopped, admiring the clear water which contained dozens of tiny tadpoles.

He smiled, getting on his knees and rolling up the sleeve of Harry's jacket in consideration before reaching into the icy substance. Cold shot up his fingers, causing a numb feeling in his already pale hand when he pulled it out.

"what are you doing?" A familiar voice asked, which made Niall jump.

The blond turned his head to see who he had expected, Zayn. "well hello to you too."

"sorry, hello." Zayn greeted lamely. "Now answer my question"

"what does it look like? I was feeling the water." Niall blinked.

The darker haired boy nodded "of course, sorry. It's my job to protect you."

"it's okay, Zayn."

"hey! you wanna see something?"


"come on Niall, you'll enjoy this. I promise." Zayn grinned before jogging off towards a cluster of trees that seemed to lead away from the house.

Niall hesitantly pushed his sleeve back down before getting up and running after his new friend.

"wait up!" Niall called weakly from behind.

Zayn chuckled as he gained speed "don't worry, it's close."

The black haired boy turned a corner, disappearing from Niall's sight. But he had enough knowledge to know where he went.

The blond came to a walk as he turned the corner and what he saw was definitely worth the run.

It was a huge field. Roses, dandelions, tulips, and every other kind of flower scattered the tall grass. A few shrubs grew along the edges where the grass met trees that surrounded the field.

"it's beautiful." Niall murmured, astonished.

Zayn grinned, walking over to the fluffy haired lad. "Told ya,"

"thank you for bringing me here, Zayn."

"No problem Ni, anyways. Lets sit." Zayn directed rather than suggested. He took a seat in the tall grass.

Niall sat next to him. The grass was softer than he expected it to be.

"you smell like vampire." Zayn commented

"yeah, the jacket is Harry's."

"Ah, I see. You're the type to wear the guy's jacket and let me guess, you're still a virgin?"

Niall's face lit up. "u-uhm, yeah, I haven't... you know."

"you can say sex, Niall." Zayn laughed

"that word would kill my innocence."

"Ha, you won't have that for long."

"and why not?"

"Niall, Harry is going to turn you sooner or later. You're going to be a blood sucking vampire. Basically a leech"

"Hey!" Niall practically yelled, not appreciating the fact that he was comparing his boyfriend to a leech.

Zayn laughed "oh lighten up Ni, I was joking."

"Mhm." Niall mumbled.

"Don't be mad at the puppy." Zayn grinned childishly

"You're a wolf." The blond chuckled.

"still a puppy."

Niall laughed and shook his head. He laid back in the grass and smiled. Soon Zayn joined him and they just laid there together, giggling childishly at anything that moved.

Sure, Zayn was a bit cocky but Niall admired that about him and was always for the idea of acquiring a new friend.

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