Chapter 12- Jailbird (Part Two)

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Wilson's P.O.V.

I sat there staring at Riley in her hospital bed. The exact same one she lay in not even two months ago. How did this happen? Her breathing kept steady and he mumbled every now and then but she showed no signs of waking up. This is just like before. Too much like before. She shouldn't be in that bed, she should be with her friends at the mall looking for her dress. What if the other two were hurt? Was Natalie hurt?

Nice, your little and only sister is lying in a hospital bed in front of you and you're wondering if Natalie is hurt?

I shook my head and returned looking at my little sister. My poor, little sister.

"What happened?" I heard my father yell, as he burst in the door. He took one look at me and scowled. "You did it didn't you?" He demanded.

"Wha- I." I stammered stepping closer to Riley's bed. Not like she could defend me. I'm the oldest anyway.

"Peter stop." My mom stood up and stepped in front of me. "He didn't do it."

"How do you know that? She's probably dead because of him!" He stomped.

"Dad, I swear I'd never-" I tried to explain but my mom cut me off.

"He was with me when we found out. Tanner told us before he got arrested." My mom said the last part before she could stop herself.

I face palmed. "Mom..."

"He might as well know how we find out." She said as she quickly glanced at me from behind her.

"So Tanner did this?"

"No!" I shouted getting frustrated. "She was running across the road not paying attention to traffic, and she got hit. Stop blaming people and just shut up!" I yelled. "It's not my fault and it wasn't the first time either!"

My mom looked at me, shocked. "Wilson... he never blamed you."

"Didn't he? He has never trusted me in a car with her, he never talked to me while she was in a coma, so what makes you think he didn't blame me?"

"Because he's your father."

"Like he really wants to be mine after this." I spat and I turned to see Riley lying in her bed- but she was sitting up staring at all three us of with a death glare. Her hair hung in her eyes and she send cold daggers into me as she stared through it.

"Riley?" My mom gasped. "You're awake?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? Oh yeah! Blame your best friend." She crossed her arms and the lay back down on her bed.

"Tanner? He told me what happened." I said.

"Yeah well he probably felt guilty. I know exactly what happened. He wanted to talk about the-" She looked at my mom and dad and pulled me close to her "K-I-S-S." She released me as anger coursed through me. "Then I got angry for- certain reasons that I can't speak of. I ran off through traffic to get away from him and then... yeah now I'm here." She looked at me sheepishly and nodded.

"So it was your fault." My dad said.

"What?" Riley shouted.

"You ran into the traffic yourself. No one made you."

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