Chapter 7

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"Mr. Horan?" A doctor in scrubs came through the doors.

"Yes?" I stood up.

"Isabelle is alright. Her bones are set back properly and she has to have a cast put on."

"How long will she be in a cast?"

"Six to eight weeks."

"When can I see her?"

"You can come back now. However, she is still under from the anesthesia."

"Ok." He walked me to her room. She looks so peaceful. Her leg is elevated and it's super wrapped up in ace bandages. I sat down on the chair next to her bed and held her hand. I just sat there and watched her sleep. About 20 minutes later, she opened her eyes.

"Niall?" She sounds groggy. She slowly turned her head to look at me.

"I'm right here, sweetie."

"How did it go?"

"Everything went great! But, you will be set in a cast for six to eight weeks." The nurse came in.

"Oh, look who's up! I'm going to be sending in the cast setter to get you all bandaged up! I'm Tiffany if you need anything!"

"Alright. Thank you." Isabelle told the nurse. Not three minutes later, the cast setter came in.


I can't believe that I had to have surgery! I didn't think it was that serious! The worst part of all this is that I didn't get to have my special moment with Niall. Damn! This sucks! Oh, great! Now the cast dude is here so I can be put into even more misery.

"Hello, hello! How are we all doing today?" He's way too enthusiastic! I have such a headache. Doesn't he understand that I just came out of surgery?!

"She just woke up and is still a little groggy." Niall told him.

"Ok. I just need you... Um... Isabelle to pick what color cast you want!"

"Green or orange."

"I can do both!" He grabbed the two colors out of his bag and started removing all of the fabric bandage wraps. My leg still looks disgusting and now I have a huge scar to remember what should've been. Once he removed all of the wraps, he put a toe-less sock on. It goes up to my thigh! Then, he wrapped it in cotton and started with green. He, somehow, twisted orange into it and made a really neat design! It's almost like a braid all the way down. I can't even explain it... It's just really neat; even if it hurt like hell being put on! The guy handed Niall a sharpie and he was the first to sign it, once it was dry.

'I love you and hope you get better really soon! I will be by your side day and night to help you with whatever you need! -Niall' he added a heart next to his name.

I've had casts in my life... But never one like this! It doesn't have those stupid little holes to get in the way of signing. It's smooth. It's... Different. I don't know. I can't think right now. The hospital room phone started ringing. Niall answered it.

"It's your mom." He said, handing me the phone.


"Honey, are you ok?!" She shouted. My head started pounding.

"Mom, calm down. I'm fine!"

"You fell down the stairs and a bone was sticking out of your leg! You had to get surgery, for crying out loud!"

"Mom, if anyone's crying out loud, it's you. You're screaming at me for something that was an accident. I'm alive and I will be fine. But, I have a horrible headache so I'm gonna go. Love you. Bye." I handed the phone back to Niall and he hung it up.

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