Chapter 14

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Niall looks like he is about to kill Louis! If you lay one finger on my girlfriend, I'll lay 10 on you, understand? Niall's words jog my memory. I feel so exposed right now... Louis slips from under the covers to put his boxers on... They have bananas all over them and on the front, they say, "Don't make eye contact!" He walks over to confront Niall. Harry slides past them so he doesn't get involved.

"I told you that if you laid one finger on her, I'd mess you up!" Niall shouts as Louis starts to approach him. His eyes go dark and his face is turning red as a tomato. I was about to get up to dress myself, until Niall's gaze quickly transferred to me. He looked back at Louis. As Niall opened his mouth to speak, I grab my clothes from the floor and quickly dress myself under the conforter. "I cannot believe that one of my best mates would stab me in the back like that! Especially right after we made up!" He looked back at me. "As for you," he pushes Lou aside and is starting to walk towards me. "Why?"

"Why wait?" I knew what he was talking about, but I chose to pretend that I didn't.

"Don't give me that shit! You know damn well what I am talking about!"

"What if I don't?"

"Why would you sleep with him? Not only once, but twice! Do you love him?" His eyes and voice soften and he looks so sincere. I hate to break his heart...

"Yes. I-I do love Louis... A lot, actually..."

"Why'd you lie to me?"

"I-I-I don't know. I guess I didn't think that Louis still loved me and I didn't want to bring back all of the pain that I've felt for years. I do love you, though, Niall. Just... Not the same way. I hope you understand."

"If I had known that the last time we kissed would have been the last time, I would have never let you go."

"What are you saying...?"

"I guess I'm asking for one last kiss...?" What's the worst that could happen? Before I knew it, he was closing his eyes and slowly leaning in. I look at Louis, who is now fully dressed. He just shrugs and nods. I look back at Niall, who is getting closer, I let out a low sigh and copy his actions. Our lips crash together and, not going to lie, it hurt but it is sort of a sweet, I guess. He glides his tongue across my lower lip. Um... No! I resist. I could feel his body moving... What the hell is he doing? All of a sudden, I feel a pinch on my rear. I know what he's trying to do... He wants me to open my mouth so he can ram his tongue in like a bull ready to attack. Nu-uh; no sirree! Not happenin! I do a closed-mouth gasp. He jams his tongue to my lips and that is where Louis jumps in.

"I think we're done here!" He says, before taking Niall's place. This time, inside my mouth. Our tongues wrestle and I love the way it feels. I love him. The boys all start gagging so we pull away.

"Who wants food?" I ask.

"What kind of rhetorical question is that?!" Niall asks, already headed for the kitchen. Louis picks me up bridal style and carries me down the stairs. He places me on the island and calls for Chinese food; which arrives 20 minutes later.

~One month later~

The boys called Paul last Tuesday saying that they want to cancel the tour for a while because they have to care for me since my mother is now on her honeymoon. Oh, yeah! Mr. Horan and my mom got hitched last weekend. It's a good thing that Niall and I didn't have sex because we are now step brother and sister! Could you imagine that burden? It's crazy what can happen in such a short period of time. That reminds me... I'm due for mine soon.

"Who wants to go to the store for me?" I ask the boys. Liam, Louis, and I are sitting on the tan couch in the living room watching Bridesmaids while Niall, Zayn, and Harry are sitting on the floor. I'm curled up in Louis chest and he has his arm around me. His cologne smells amazing! He lent me one of his sweatshirts on my birthday because it was cold and he had just taken it off. I haven't washed it since because it smells like him and I don't do laundry.

"What do you need?" Zayn asks.


"Tampons!" They all interrupt me. It's crazy how in unison they are! Can they read my mind or something?

"I'll go!" Liam says, starting to stand up.

"You sure?"

"Positive. I've had to do so many runs for my mom, sisters, and girlfriends, I'm used to the looks. What size and is there anything else?" He flashes me his award winning smile.

"Super and I'm having this insane craving for bread and butter pickles."

"Got it! Be back in 20." He grabs his sun glasses, grey hoodie, wallet, phone, and car keys. He put up the hood on his jacket and walked out the door.

I look up at Louis' perfect jaw line. He looks back down and me. "What are you staring at, beautiful?"

"You." He smiles at me and I return the gesture. He kissed my nose. "I hope you know that you're not getting this back." I show him my hand, which has the sweatshirt flopped over it.

"I know. That's why I gave it to you." I smile even bigger and he touches his lips to mine. The boys start groaning and throwing popcorn at us. We break the kiss and stick our tongues out at them.

Liam walks in towards the tail end of the movie. I get up and walk over to him. I can now use the walking boot since it's been over a month since my spill. "Thanks!" I kiss his cheek and wobble up the stairs. I hope he remembered what I told him last week...

I step into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me, before opening the bag. Pickles, tampons, ah-ha! Pregnancy tests. Five of them. Damn, Liam. Why so many? I think to myself as I take one out of the bag. I flip over the box to read the instructions.

I read them out loud, but silently to myself. "Let set for three minutes. Two pink lines means that you are pregnant. One pink line means that you are not."

I take the test out of the box and do what I needed to do. I set it on the counter and start pacing.

You're two weeks late. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe you miscalculated. Maybe you're just happy to be back with Louis and that's all it is. It could be stress. Yeah... it's stress. You've planned a lot of parties lately and finals are coming up. So many thoughts start running through my mind. I look at myself in the mirror. I look slightly larger than before. No, no. It's nothing. I've been eating a lot lately. Why didn't we use a condom? I wouldn't be in this mess! I check my watch. Still another minute to go. It seems like I've been standing here for hours... I start to bite my nail and pace a little more. I check my watch again. Three minutes. The moment of truth. I pick up the test and close my eyes. Please be one line... Please be one line... Please be one line... I take a deep breath and look at the little white stick that contains the answers to my entire future...

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