Chapter 30

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I so often question the things that Louis does when I'm not around. I trust him whole heartedly I just get so worried of what he's planning next. It's almost like I can never catch a break or have time to breathe when he leaves. I find myself staying up late and thinking to myself what he's up to. I want to be able to surprise him sometime but when? How will I ever know the best time to give him something special? I have some tricks up my sleeve but the timing needs to be just right.

*The Next Day*

I look at Louis as he finishes up with the release forms. I am so ready to finally go home and get away from this hospital bed. It's eleven o'clock in the morning and only two days until New Year's. 2014 is going to be one terrific year, though. Louis and I are getting married in November, we have Emilie now, and One Direction is going on their tour for Midnight Memories.

"Are you ready, Isabel?" Louis asks me, handing Marilyn the clipboard of papers.

"More now than ever," I say, picking up Emilie's car seat. "Thank you so much for everything, Marilyn." I give her a one handed hug.

"It was my pleasure, dear," she says, hugging me back. Louis grabs my bag with everything and we walk out of the room.

After what seems like the bumpiest and longest ride of my life, we finally make it home.

"I have a surprise for you," Louis says, taking Emilie out of the car. I nod as we walk up the driveway and into the house. I follow Louis toward my room but he makes a hard left. "The surprise is in here, baby." He switches on the light and I gasp at the beautifully done bedroom. There is a white crib all put together along with a rocking chair, changing table, and dresser. The closet is filled with these adorable outfits and the walls are painted pale pink with 'Emilie' written in gorgeous cursive above the crib. He puts the carrier on the floor and looks at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Louis! This is beautiful!" I tell him, smothering him in a hug. He picks me up and spins me around. Setting me down, he places his lips on mine.

"I'm glad you like it so much but I wasn't the only one who worked on it. Come on in, everyone!" Before I know it, my brother, sister-in-law, the other boys, my niece, and Nikki all walk into the room with pink paint covering them.

"Surprise," they all say, happily. I look back at Louis.

"Do you have any other surprises for me?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Now that you ask, I actually do. We have a meeting to introduce you and Emilie to the world."

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Nikki questions with concern.

"I'm with Nikki on this one," I inform Louis.

"It'll be okay, trust me," he tells us. I flash him a look of uncertainty. "Babe, have I ever let you down?" I shake my head and look down at the floor. He pulls my chin up and says, "Then trust me," before placing his lips on mine.

I walk to my bedroom and pick out my favorite dress while Louis gets Emilie ready. I still don't think this is a good idea considering her immune system hasn't had time to develope yet; she can still get sick really easily.

I check myself in the mirror. This dress sucks every problem area in and shows off the important areas. It's black and falls just above my knees. It has a wavy look and makes me feel amazing. I grab my inch high wedges and walk back to Emilie's room. Louis takes a minute to realize that I am standing in the doorway.

"Woah, babe, you look, wow!" he says.

"I hope that's a good thing," I joke.

"It's a very good thing!" I chuckle.

"Well, hon, are you ready?"

"Sure am! Are you okay to walk in those heels, babe?"

"I am as capable to walk in these heels as I am to walk down the stairs... So, no, I am not okay to walk in these heels."

"Want me to hold you?" Harry offers.

"That's quite alright, thanks though," I tell him.

"Well, don't die," Liam says.

"I'll try not to." I proceed down the stairs, holding onto the railing for dear life. One final step and I am home free. 'Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall,' I warn myself. I hear a tap against the hardwood floor and I am set. The boys start cheering as I fake bow and tell them to hold the applause. We have a good laugh then head off to the car.

Eight people, three cars, and a screaming baby later, we arrive at the studio. Ellen, like the Ellen, dances her way over to us.

"Louis! So nice to see you again!" she hugs him then looks at me. "You must be the lovely Isabel, and I'm guessing this is Emilie! I've heard so many things about you!"

"I hope that's a good thing," I chuckle.

"Good thing? This boy can't go three seconds without saying one of your names!" I smile at Louis and he starts to blush. "Well, let's not stand in the cold, the show's about to start!" We all follow her inside and take a seat in the back. Music starts to play and she dances out. After a few minutes, she starts her introduction. "It is my great pleasure to not only welcome to the stage Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson," the crowd screams louder with every name. "But also welcome Nikki Bunj, Liam's girlfriend, and, of course, Isabel Hanson, Louis' fiancé, and their lovely daughter, Emilie!" the crowd goes wild and that's our cue to head to the stage. The claps and screams settle as we all take our seats. "So, Isabel, tell us how you met Louis," Ellen states.

"Well," I begin. "We grew up next door to each other until he started on X Factor. We crossed paths again in April. I guess the tabloids were too caught up in the latest Miley Cyrus drama at the time to worry about us." Everyone laughs at my comment.

"This next question goes to both of you," she points to Lou and me. "Do you have any plans for a larger family once you're married?" We flash each other a look of uncertainty. I want a large family, but I don't know if Louis does.

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