Chapter 15

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Two lines. I'm pregnant. There is a living thing inside of me. A human being. Something constructed of mine and Louis' DNA. Aborting is completely out of the question. I refuse to kill a living creature. Unless it's like a bug because bugs are just... blech! I have to talk to Louis. We have to decide this together. I open the bathroom door and walk towards the stairs. "Hey, Louis. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I tried to sound as calm as possible. He got up from the couch and started walking towards me. Liam gives me a look and I know what he's trying to ask. I slightly nod and his eyes soften even more. Louis walks up the stairs and he heads for my room. He went to sit on my bed while I close the door. I feel sick... I take a deep breath before going to join him.

"What's up, babe?" He asks with concern in his voice.

"Well... Do you remember about a month back when we..." I can't even get the words out. His eyes widen, as if he knows what I'm trying to say.

"Are you... Pregnant?" I nod and let a tear fall loose. He pulls me into a hug. "It's okay, Bella. We'll go to the clinic tomorrow morning and get it taken care of." I jump back.

"You want me to abort our baby?!" I shout.

"Well... I... Uh..."

"There is no way in hell I am going to kill something that could have an amazing future!"

"Okay, okay, we will raise the baby if that's what you want."

"No, don't give me the 'if you want' crap! This is our child. We both had a part in creating him or her!"

"I realize that! If we used a condom-"

"If you wore a condom, you mean."

"How is this all my fault, now?!"

"I never said it was all your fault but you did start kissing me."

"Yeah, but you didn't stop me."

"Okay... You're right. Let's stop arguing and figure out what we're going to do." He grabs my hand and I instantly feel better.

"I've always wanted kids..." I shot my head up to look at his beautiful smile.

"Me too..." I smile back at him.

"So... We're keeping the baby?" He asks.

"We're keeping the baby." I assure him. He leaned in and kissed me then lifted my shirt and kissed my now impregnated belly.

"Should we tell the other lads?"

"May not be a bad idea..."

"Shit! What about Paul?"

"We'll tell him afterwards."

"Sounds good... Are you okay to walk?" I nod. He ignores it and picks me up bridal style, anyway.

We head back to the living room and he set me down in front of the TV, placing his arm around me. We earned a few sighs and groans from the boys, so Louis turned it off. They whined and then shut up when Louis said, "We have something to share..."

"And what would that be...?" Zayn questioned. Louis and I exchange a glance and turn back to them.

"I'm pregnant!" Louis shouted. They all laughed and I lightly hit his stomach.

"No... I'm pregnant!" I say with a smile. Niall's face dropped a bit but perked back up.

"Is it Louis'?!" Harry asks.

"No, it's Beeves and Butt Heads'!" I tell him. They laughed again. "Of course it's Louis'!"

"Well, you never know in this day and age!" Harry replied.

"As sad as that is, it's so true!"

"What are we going to say to Paul?" Niall asks.

"I don't know. How much longer should we cancel the tour?" Louis asks.

"Should we just stop everything all together? Release the third album and be done?" Zayn promotes.

"You guys can't just give up after everything you've been through! So what? I'm pregnant. We have 8 plus more months of this. You'd be breaking millions of girls' and guys' hearts!"

"We're not just going to leave you by yourself... Someone has to be here when you need something while you're on bed rest and during morning sickness. And what about your leg? That's a lot to handle by yourself!" Liam insists.

"I have my mom and Mr. Ho- I mean, my step dad..."

"They're going to be too busy going at-" Harry is interrupted by Niall.

"Finish that sentence and see what happens!" Harry cleared his throat.

"They're going to be too busy caring for each other..." He repeated with caution.

"Back to what we were saying before..." Louis starts, "how do we tell Paul that I got Isabelle pregnant without him flipping shit?"

"Why don't I tell him and not specify who's child it is right away? Kind of ease my way into it... Oh, Can it, Harry!" I suggest, before yelling at Harry to wipe that damn smirk off his face.

"That's actually not a bad idea!" Liam states, taking out his phone and punching something in. My guess is Paul's number. He puts it on speaker.

One ring... Two rings... "What's up, Liam?" Paul. Liam hands me the phone.

"Hi, Paul. It's Isabelle."

"Hi, Isabelle. Is everything alright?"

"Yep, everything's fine but I have something I need to tell you..." I trail off.

"What would that be?"

"Paul, I'm pregnant... With one of the boys' babies..." I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing myself for his outburst.

"Congratulations! If I may ask, whose child?" I sigh with relief.


"Oh! Weren't you with Niall not too long ago?"

"A month ago for about 3 days... Once our parents ended up together, we realized it wasn't right. Louis and I had feelings for each other from way back when and boom... Here we are!"

"What do you plan on doing with... it?"

'Paul, it is a living thing. A person."

"Sorry... Uh what do you plan on doing with the baby?"

"We're keeping him or her."

"What are the boys doing about the tour? They have their third album coming out in November. They can't just give up because you're pregnant..." He seems irritated but calm. Louis grabs the phone from my hand.

"Paul, Buddy, Pal, Mate, listen... I am a grown man who has to take on the responsibilities of his own actions. We have come so far and we can't give up now." Louis says loud enough for people in Russia to hear.

"How are we going to do this?" Paul asks.

"What if the other lads continue the tour through July then the three of us join them, once again, in August?" Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Liam nod in agreement.

"Are they okay with that idea?"

"Yes, Paul." Harry mocks like he's annoyed with his parents.

"If it's okay with all of you, it's okay with me. Hold on one second." There was a few second long pause that felt like it was hours long. "Am I on speaker?"

"Yes," I tell him.

"Liam, did you buy a pregnancy test at the drug store?"

"Yeah, but I was undercover... Why?"

What drama is starting this time?

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