Chapter 6

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"I love you, too, Niall!" He smiled ear to ear and leaned in to kiss me.

"Do you want to make our love for each other more official?" I love how enthusiastic he is! 

"With you? Absolutely!" Ok, I know I'm mad at my mom for doing this with a guy she just met... But... This is different. I know Niall...

"Of course with me! Who else would it be? That rhymed..." We both laughed and ran upstairs. Once we reached my room, I realized something.

"Do you have anything?" I asked him.

"No. I wasn't expecting this to happen..."

"There are condoms downstairs. I'll be right back." I turned around and Niall followed me. I'm not really sure what happened... I think I missed a step because I came tumbling down the stairs onto the hardwood floor and I heard a crack. I looked over and saw that my foot was between my head and Niall. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Are you ok?!" He asked me.

"I can't move my leg."

"Ok... I'll... Uh..."

"Call 911!" He reached into his pocket and dialed 911, putting it on speaker.

"Hello. This is 911. What is your emergency?" A female voice asked.

"Hi. My name is Niall Horan and my girlfriend just fell down the stairs! I think her leg or something might be broken!"

"Ok. Calm down, sir. Where are you located?" He told her the address. "Someone will be right over."

"Alright, thank you!" A few minutes later, an ambulance showed up with the lights and sirens going. Niall let the two young men in. They put me on a gurney and wheeled me out to the truck. Niall sat in the back with me. I had oxygen tubes and my leg was wrapped up and in a splint. I'm not sure how bad it looks.

"Am I going to be ok?" I asked the men.

"You're going to be fine once we get you X-Rayed and everything." One of them said.

"How bad does it look?"

"Not good. I defiantly believe you broke something. But we can't be sure." I have a feeling he's lying about not being sure. We pulled into the ambulance entrance and they rushed me to the ER.

"I'm Dr. Washeen. What happened?" The older looking doctor asked me.

"I missed a step walking down the stairs and I tumbled." He removed the wrap and splint. It looks disgusting! It's bloody, swollen, extremely bruised, and one of my bones is sticking out a little bit! Yeah, right you're not sure if it's broken! I thought to myself. The doctor started shouting different medicines and fluids to the nurses. They were all frantically moving.

"Isabelle, you're going to need surgery to fix your leg." He told me.

"How long is it going to take?" Niall asked.

"At least an hour. I will send someone out to keep you updated. Now, who are you in relation to this young lady?"

"He's my boyfriend."

"You can go to the in-surgery family and friends waiting room. We will keep you updated." Niall kissed my forehead and a nurse escorted him out. "Ma'am, do you have insurance?" The doctor asked me.

"My mom does. She's out of town, though. She doesn't even know what happened."

"Can your boyfriend call her and fill this out?" He held up a blue clipboard with a stack of papers.

"Sure." The doctor handed it to another nurse. She grabbed it and stepped out of the room.

"You need to wear this gown. However, since you are unable to get up, Miranda here will help you get into it." He handed the folded up gown to the nurse and stepped out, closing the curtains behind him.

"I know, this is very awkward for you to have another female change you." She said.

"It's fine. I'd rather it be someone who's seen it all and lives with it." She's about the same height as me, a little thinner, and same color hair. We could be long lost twins! She took off my clothes and put the gown on. She let me still wear my underwear and sports bra. The nurses and doctor came back into the room.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

"Ready as I'll ever be." They wheeled me to the operating room. Someone in a fabric germ protector thing and hairnet came up to me with a plastic mask.

"Count backwards from ten." A male voice said, putting it over my face.

"10... 9... 8... 7..."


I can't believe that she needs surgery! I have to fill out these papers but I don't really know any of this stuff! I called her mom off my phone.

"Hello, Ms. Hanson?"

"Who is this?"

"I'm Niall. Isabelle's boyfriend..." She cut me off.

"What happened?!" She sounds extremely panicked.

"Isabelle fell down the stairs and is in surgery right now." I said that as calm as I could.

"How did she fall down the stairs?!"

"She missed a step and tumbled down. One of her bones was sticking out of her leg."

"How long will the surgery be?"

"He said at least an hour. And I need to fill out these papers but I need your help."


"Social security number, phone number, and insurance card number." She told them to me.

"Thank you so much! I will keep you posted. Do you get text messaging?"


"Ok. I will be texting you from this number."

"Ok. Thank you for telling me."

"No problem." I hung up and went to hand the clipboard to the lady at the desk. She's older, maybe in her late forties, and heavier with glasses. A half an hour has already passed.

-2 hours later-

It's been over two hours and I still haven't gotten an update! I'm getting really worried...!

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