Chapter 11

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I swung my leg off the edge of the bed so I was sitting up straight. I heard Zayn storm up the stairs as the front door closed. Mr. Horan and my mom must've left, totally oblivious to what just happened. Louis stepped out of the doorway as Harry and Zayn picked Niall up and walked him over to lay him on the couch in my room. Louis came back to join me at the edge of the bed as Zayn, Harry, and Liam gathered on the floor at our feet. The awkward silence didn't last long; thanks to Harry.

"When did you two hook up?"

Louis looked at me, embarrassment in his eyes. "It's been like seven years, now." He finally blurted out. "Why didn't you say anything about not being a virgin when Lou asked you and why didn't we hear anything about her before?" Zayn asked.

"Because... I knew he was just testing me and it wasn't the type of experience that I wanted to share with the world."

"So I wasn't good in bed! I get it! No need to rub it in any more than you already have!" Louis shouted.

"You should say that a little louder! I don't think they heard you in Texas!" I shouted back. He's really starting to piss me off!

"You just keep saying that it was the worst experience of your life, that you regret every second of it, blah blah blah. I obviously wasn't man enough for you. I wasn't good enough in bed for you. I get it! You didn't enjoy your first time!"

"How do you expect me to enjoy being forced into it to satisfy your needs!"

"You weren't any better! You were so tense and way too tight!"

"I'm getting really uncomfortable hearing about my girlfriend's losing her virginity to one of my best friends!" Niall was finally alert.

"Niall, I'm sorry I didn't tell you... It's just..."

"It's just what? You don't trust me? You didn't think that I would still love you? You didn't think that I would have figured it out? Why did you have to lie to me? To everyone? Are you even who you say you are at all? What else have you lied about? Are you really a college student? A photographer? A dancer? Are your parents even divorced? Do you really have an older brother and a younger sister? How do I know what else you are lying about? I can't even trust you!"

"Niall, I know you're upset..."

"Upset? Just upset? More like pissed off to no end! I can't believe you!"

"Like you're Mr. Innocent!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"I've seen pictures of you kissing other girls! You told me that you waited 20 years for your first kiss! You are just as guilty as I am!"

"A kiss doesn't even come close to having sex!"

"It's the first step!"

"That doesn't mean it lead to anything!"

"So you admit that you lied!"

"Sure. I admit I lied about my first kiss! But that's the only thing that I am lying about!"

"Yeah... Sure! I doubt you're a virgin!"

"Not anymore! It got up and left because it was tired of waiting for you to take it!"

"...Um...Burn!" Harry almost whispered.

We both looked at him. "Oh, shut up!" We said, in unison.

"Doubt that! We've been together for... What?... Three days? Do you know how many people wait up to seven years before they have sex with their lover?"

"What's a relationship without sex?!"

"A relationship with patience and understanding! I'm not going to be pushed into something I'm not ready for... Again...!"

"Oh, go and throw that in my face again, would you?!" Louis screamed.

Liam stood up. "Guys, I think we should handle this differently... Without screaming at each other..."

"We?!" The three of us said, all at the same time.

"Ok... You guys."

"How?" I asked.

"Pass something around and whoever has it is the only one allowed to talk. You can't interrupt someone and you aren't allowed to speak unless you have it."

"Did you get that from Full House?" I asked.

"Maybe..." That's a yes!

"What do we use?" Niall asked.

"This!" Zayn shouted, holding out his mirror.

"Zayn, are you sure? This is like your baby." Liam said, sincerely while taking the mirror from his hand.

"I'm sure."

"Ok. Who wants to go first?" I raised my hand and Liam gave it to me.

"I only lied because I didn't want to talk about the experience. While I enjoyed it, I wasn't prepared for anything after that. It got around school and I lost all of my friends. I lost respect from my teachers and lost mu position on every team I was involved in. I wasn't sure how I was going to tell my mom that I was pregnant with Louis' baby when he wasn't even around. Once I had the miscarriage, I was devastated because that was my baby but I was also relieved because I wasn't ready to be a 15 year old teen mom. I didn't want to be on MTV! And then, on top of that, have no one believe that it was Louis Tomlinson's baby. I wasn't prepared. And that's why I lied. And about my age... I wanted to be closer with you, Niall. I didn't want it to be awkward between the three of us... Like it is now..." Niall was anxiously awaiting the chance to speak. I handed him the mirror.

"While I appreciate and understand the reasons why you did what you did, I don't think that starting off a relationship with a lie is good, at all. But, since we're being honest, I am not a virgin, either. I had to lie because I was in a similar boat. My cousin always had this very strange crush on me... Not the kind where she just thought I was cute... But the kind where she would grope me every time she had the chance..." My eyes widened and jaw dropped. "Exactly. She slept over my house one night because her parents were out of town with my dad and I had to keep her company. I was sixteen and she was fifteen. She jumped on my bed and started trying to harden me... She basically said that if I didn't... You know... She was going to starve herself. She forced herself on me and took complete control. I didn't pay any attention to what was happening with who and I haven't seen her since." Louis grabbed the mirror from him.

"I never had any idea about either of you... Honestly, Isabelle, I was forced to do that with you... My friend made a bet with me that if I didn't take you down the path that is Louis, I had to give him $300 and he got to break one of my fingers. I didn't have that kind of money laying around." I grabbed the mirror from his hand.

"So... You did me for a bet? What was your proof and what did you get?" I handed it back to him.

"I took one of your thongs." He handed it back to me.

"Which one? And what did you get?"

"Pink lace and $750 plus a shopping spree."

"I was looking for that one for months! It better be on display somewhere because they were my favorite and most expensive pair!"

"They're mighty comfortable!" He said, looking at his bum.

"You have got to be kidding! Are you really wearing them right now?"


"You're disgusting!"

"Are you all cool now?" Liam asked. We all looked at each other, curiously. Oh, man... This may not end well...

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