Chapter 4

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So it's 12:44 at night and I just felt like making a new chapter and its going to be longggg. If I don't fall asleep :)


6 days was a terrible time for me waiting and waiting for him to arrive. As the morning of Friday came I set my alarm the day before to wake me up at 7 so I won't over sleep. I groaned as my alarm clock went off. I pressed the snooze and walked to the shower. I turned the knob to warm. As I took off my clothes. I thought of how the day would go with him. If he ever came. Would he like me? I mean... my fans on instagram started this #hlina and I thought it was cute. I smiled as I stepped into the shower. The warm water relaxed me as I drifted on to thinking about Harry.

<30 minutes Later> 

I was home alona today so I wasn't worried about my parents seeing him. They were nver home. They worked everyday till the dawn until the sun was down. I kinda liked the peace but then I got annoyed. I put on my mascara and then made my hair look nicer. I put on some skinny jeans and a light blue sweater which everyone told me it brought out my eyes. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I walked to the couch and turned on the TV waiting for Harry and all of his gourgousness to knock on my door.

Harry's POV

"It says take a left here" I say to Louis nervously. What if she doesn't like me? What if i'm not what she thinks? What if she's a bitch to me? Naw. She couln't be. She sounds so perfect and fragile. I smiled thinking about her. Even though I don't really know her, I felt vernable when she talked.

"We're here" Louis said eying me.

"Thanks Louis. I'll call you when i'm ready." I smile to him and pat him on the back.

I walk up to the door not knowing what to do or what to say. I reach up to the door bell shaking and press the button. I hear shuffling then the door nob twists. I take a deep breath at her. She's perefct with her long hair and her perfect eyes blue like the ocean. Her body couln't be more perfect with her curvey figure I would be shocked him she didn't have a boyfriend. I looked up at her lips which makes me feel vernable and weak. I just wanted to kiss her but I cussed at myself for thinking that I would.

"Hey" I smiled. 

"H-Hey" She shuttered.

It was cute when she shuttered. It made me feel like she was worried that she would mess this up. 

"Can I come in love?" I said.

She blushed and hid her face in her hand. I laughed. She pulled her hands away.

"Sure" She smiled. Her smile made feel weak. Why was I feeling like this? I have never acted this way before?

"Do you want to sit on the couch?" 

"Sure" I smiled

"So what do you want to do today?" She asked.

"Maybe we could walk around outside."

"Sure." She smiled. I loved when she smiled

I walked out the door and waited outisde for her. When she walked out her hair look more beautiful than before.

"Wow" I gasped.

"What?" She looked up at her hair. "Oh, i'm really sorry I should have done my hair be-"

"No,No it's just so perfect." Wow Styles way to let that out quickly. Her face turned red and she buried her face in her hands. I put my hand on her hands creased them softly then pulled them away from her perfect face. She smiled.

"Thank you" she said and then blushed.

"Shall we walk" I say in my most Kingish way. She laughs and I laugh. I sighed at her beautiful laugh. God why did you do this to me?

We walked to the park and sat on the bench and talked about her school and my singing. She talks about Twitter and Instagram and so do I. She was so interesting. I loved her for that. Wait...did I say I loved her? I look down at the wrist.

"Can I ask You a question?"


"Why do you have so many bracelets on yor hair. She freezes.

"Um.My fans on instagram send me things and i wear them all, I never waste it." 

"Can I ask you something else"


"Do you have a boyfriend?" Her face turns pink. "No"

"Can I ask you something?" She asks


"Do you have a girlfriend?" I shift in my seat.

"No" And I smile.

"One more question."

"Okay" She smiles

"Would you like to come with me to dinner?"

She smiles and blushes and looks at the garss and then turns to me.

"I would love to." 

"Great, I'll get you tomarrow at 7" I say while getting up and going to my car.

"One more thing"

She nods her head.

"Your beautiful"

I go to my car leaving her with a her mouth in shock and her face pinkish. I smile.

<The next evening>

Alina's POV

I was exteremly tired. I couldn't believe the most gourgous boy in the whole world just called me beautiful. My heart just melted and I was stunned and couldn't move off the bench. I eventally got the streagth to get up and go to sleep..or even try. I walked up to the coffee machine and had my 3 cup of coffee. I looked at the time. 


My eyes widen and realized that today Harry would come and get me at 7. I quickly put on my make up and then did my hair and but on my black lace dress that went to my knees. The sleeves went alittle farther then elbow which was lace to see my skin through.

I  finished up and hear a knock on the door. I opened up and see him. But this him he's more dashing and charming. He has a whole button up with collar and black jeans. That wasn't much to other people but to me it was perfect. I looked at him as he smiled and looked at my dress and my body.

"Wow you look amazing." He says. I smile.

"You look really cute." I say and blush. He smiles and takes my hand leads me to the car


I hope this was long..if it wasn't the next chapter will :) please get me to 10 votes please. My head is throbing so i'm going to sleep xx :)

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