Chapter 36

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Alina's POV

"Harry! Your doing it wrong!" I giggle as I walk towards him and grab the bowl and mixer spoon. 

We were making cupcakes and Harry had put in two wrong ingredients. He put 4 cups of sugar in the bowl and 6 eggs. I laughed as you could still see the sugar after Harry had been mixing it for a couple of minutes.

"Harry, do you want us to get sugar high?" I giggled again while still trying to mix the sugar. His deep chuckle from behind made me shiver.

"Yes." He said while wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my neck. I smiled. I felt his hot breath on my ear.

"Kiss me." He whispered into my ear.

I smiled and then dropped my spoon in the mixer bowl and turned to face Harry. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck as crashed my lips onto his. I felt him smile on my lips as he bit my bottom lip and made me smile against his lips.

Then I felt warm liquid drip on my head. I pulled away from the kiss and Harry was laughing. I felt my head and saw on my hand the dough for the cupcakes.

"Harry!" I yelled while laughing. He kept laughing. I smirked and grabbed a fist full of the dough and rubbed it in his hair and it was my turn to laugh.

"Harry! We have to buy more ingredients now!" I said giggling. Then he stopped laughing.

"Nope. I'm going shopping, your not." He said. I pouted.

"Yes I am, after I take a shower." I said sticking my tongue out and then walking up the stairs.

"I'm coming with you then!" He yelled as I walked up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and then walked into my room and saw Carmyn.


"Hey!" She said and then pulled me into a hug.

"I haven't seen you all morning!" I say as the egg drips down my cheeks and I frown. Carmyn giggles.

"What the hell happened?" She says still giggling.

"Me and Harry poured cupcake dough all over each other." I say and then smile.

"Aww that's adorable." She cooed as she grabbed her purse. I cocked my eyebrow.

"Where are you going Mrs. Fancypants?" I said admiring her flowy blue sundress.

"A date!" She screamed. I laughed.

"Congrats! Be safe!" I said walking toward the bathroom.

"Oh! Alexis is at school if you were wondering." She said, I stopped in my tracks.

"School? You sent my daughter to hell!" I say. Carmyn laughs.

"No. Pre-School. She needs an education." She says. I sigh.

"Yep. Well you have a good time on your date." I say as she starts to walk out.

"Oh and again, be safe." I say while smirking

She laughed and then slapped my arm playfully. I stuck my tounge out at her and then walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I stripped out of my clothing and then quickly stepped into the shower while turning on the water. After taking my shower and finally getting the egg out of my hair, which took forever, I out dressed into my gray sweatpants and my white shirt that said "Frick This".

I quickly went down the stairs and saw Harry wearing a white V-neck and gray sweatpants. I smiled and then walked over to him.

"Ready?" I said as he kissed my forehead and then nodded. I took his hand in mine and entwined are fingers together and then walked over to the front door.

Can we please get these?" Harry said pouting and holding up Red Bull. I shook my head. 

"For the millionth time, no!" I said while gigging. He started to fake cry and then walk over to were the Red Bull was and then he put it back. I smiled and started to push the cart to the Dariy section.

"Can I get Ice Cream?" Harry asked. I chuckled, I felt like his mother.

"Yes." I said smiling. He fist pumped the air and then rudhed toward the ice cream section. I giggled as he came out with 5 tubs of ice cream and placed them in the cart.

"Harry what is all this?" I ask.

"Movie Night." He smirks. I laugh and then look at the list of things we need.

"Harry, can you get the sugar? We ran out." I said while smiling at him. He sighed.

"Don't go anywhere!" He yelled while running to get the sugar.

I giggled and then pulled out my phone to check my twitter, which i haven't checked in..two years. I then heard a deep chuckle from behind me.

"I found you." He said. 

I stood still. I knew that voice from anywhere. My heart beat started to increase, it felt like it was going to pop out of my chest  I slowly turned around and saw a smirking Micheal. My hands started to shake as I backed away. He started to walk towards me.

"Micheal. Get away from me." I say as my voice still shakes.

"Nope." He said popping the p and was still smirking. He started to walk towards me and I backed away but my back hit the cart. I silently prayed to myself that Harry would hurry up.

"You look good in those sweatpants." He said licking his lips. My lip started to quiver.

"To bad Ha-" A fist collided with is face and he fell to the floor groaning. 

I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I looked up and saw Harry.

His face was completely red in rage and his fist were clenching by his side. 


Was this good? :)


I am not just doing a Forever Together 2 i'm doing a Forever Together 3 and possibly 4 :) but that depends on the support stuff ;) lol

Forever Together 2 is not up yet



I will tell you when the last chapter is :)


The next update might be later this week like Wedesday or Thursday :)

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