Chapter 16

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:) early update. I'll try to make this longer 


Alina's POV

Everything was dark. Ever thing was quiet. I don't think I wad dead because I felt something drip on me. Why wasn't I dead. I made him scared and made him cry to. Now I feel terrible. Why do I have to make everything worse then it is? I wish i was dead. I want to be dead. I don't want to live with the fact that my boyfriend is going to die soon. I love him to much for that. 

Maybe I can change that. I have to get away from Harry so he can't get killed. I'll give what he wants Micheal. I'll give him me. Maybe Harry will forget about me and find someone else. As long as he doesn't get killed, I will take all the pain and suffering for Harry's sake. I'll leave. 

My eyelids feel heavy so I open my eyes and see Harry have his hands on his face. He sniffles. A tear comes out of my eyes. I cry only because of all the pain I have caused Harry. He removes his hands from his face and see's me crying.

He cups my face and kisses me. I put my hand around his neck and kiss him back and pull him closer because this might be the last kiss we ever have. We slowly pull away and he removes the tears from falling with this thumb. I do the same.

"I thought I lost you." He says. I give a small smile. Because he will lose me. Call me crazy but what would you do? I can't do anything else. Harry can't protect because he will die doing that. 

"I'm still here." I said. I crease his face and he leans into my hand. I kiss his forehead and then this chin and then his lips.

"Let's get cleaned up." He says while grabbing my hands and takes me bridal side in his arms to the bathroom downstairs. I sit on the counter and the puts a wet towel on my forehead. I do do the same to his. We look at each other in silence as he rubs his hands up and down my thighs. I put my forehead against his forehead. I start to cry. 

"Why do you even love me? Micheal's going to kill you and you know it. I can't and I won't live with that. That's why it's got to end here. I can't live with that. Don't say that you can make things better cause you won't and don't say that everything is going to be okay when its not. Thta's why I wanted this end." I got off the counter and ran upstairs I got a bag and packed everything I could get my hands on and put it in the bag. I ran back down the stairs and passed Harry quickly. He grabbed my hand.

"No! It can't end like this. I can't let him ruin you and brake you. He can't have you and he won't. I can protect you. Please don't go please." He said. Tears started streaming down his face and on my face to.

"But that's the problem Harry. I'm already broken in pieces. He owns my life." I said.

I kiss him one more time because this time I will not see him again. Tears stream down my face and I cup his face before kissing his chin and forehead one more time. I run out the door before he could run out the door for me. I grab my phone while running and call Micheal. He answers.

"You win me okay? I hope your fucking happy." I say.

"Good. I'm coming." He says. He hangs up. 

I'm done. Whatever he does won't matter. Nothing matters anymore. I guess you can call me crazy but i have to do what I have to do. But deep down, I hope that Harry comes and kills this bastard. Like in a Fan Fic. I feel like i'm living a FanFic but it doesn't seem so. I know that I want me and Harry to be over but I really just want him to come running back to me.

Tears start to stream down my face as I see Micheal's car pull up. I walk into the passenger side.

"I swear if you lay a finger on Harry I personally kill you." I say.

"I'll keep my hands off of him but you are mine and must do what I say. But since your wish is death I guess that's what you'll get."

"Why me?" I say. 

"Remember? I'm crazy. I can do what the hell I want to." He smirks.

I fold my hands over my chest and stare head of me. It feels like the road to hell. I don't know what you call this type of emotion but i call it True Love. Me and Harry were truy in love. I loved him so much. I hope he realizes I do truly and to the death of me love him. 

Cause i'm the road to hell and next stop is death.


2 hours pass as he stops at a house that looks abandoned. I shiver as I look at the windows. They're dusty and look like a haunted house. The whole house gives me the shivers. I step out the car and grab my things.

"Oh and if you think about running away, your precious little boyfriend will be were oubaby is." He sends me a smirk and then roughly grabs my hand and pushes me toward the house. The house looks better in the inside. It reminds me of me and Harry's house. A tear threatens to come free but I blink it away. He leads me to a basement with camera and video equipment everywhere. I look at Micheal confused. He takes my bag and pushes it to a room and then takes me into a different room. 

It has a video camera facing to three chairs. 

"Sit on this one." He orders. I do what he says and he ties me to the chair. He works on my legs and then my arms. I can feel my blood circulation slow down but who cares now.

"What are these for?" I say. He slaps me. Harder then I every hand felt. The dirt on his hand smug on my face. My checks burn in pain and numb a few seconds later.

"Never ask questions." He says stern. He puts a cloth around my mouth and in between my teeth. 

"Now lets have some fun." He said smiling.

He pulls out a knife and slashes my stomach a few times. I grown in pain as blood starts to bleed through my shirt. The pains get worse as he punches me in the ribs. I feel something crack and I start to cry. It feels like my whole stomach's on fire. I groan again as each slash on my body starts to sting. I cry harder and try to arch my body over because of all the pain. Do it for Harry says the little voice in my head. He laughs with his hands in pockets like this is the best entertainment. I start to lose breath since my mouth is covered up but try to calm myself down.

"Okay so this is how your going to die." He snaps his finger and two men with masks come in the room with the two only other people that are close as I am to Harry. They both stare at me in shock.

"Alina?" says the brunette.

Even though I heavn't meet them before. I know Harry told them about me. I start to cry because I know who it is.

 It's Eleanor and Perrie.


If you guys didn't know <lol I hope you do>

Zayn and Perrie in real life are engaged and in this book to. Just to clarify that.

And Eleanor is Louis's girlfriend. In real life and in this book so keep in mind of that :)

Sorry for a short chapter again but they won't be as long as before since i have school and stuff :) thank you for reading :)

5 votes again? :)

ily you guys :) and sorry if i have messed up grammer. I wrote this really fast. 

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